2012 r6


New Member
so the dealership wasnt going to payoff my fz6r for a used 2006 r6 but they randomly decided they would payoff my fz except for a remaining $400 for a brand new 2012 r6. I accepted the deal. $8 more a month on payments for 5 yrs and about $15 more for ins a month. I went through the local credit union and and after 5 yrs i will pay about $600 in interest! 1.9% interest rate!!I've wanted an r6 for a while and I am happy so thats all that matters.
Congrats looks great enjoy it. Pretty good deal rode my buddies ZX-6R before the winter set in, and now I have the hp bug. Gotta burry it though, still have a ways to go before mines paid off.
Just curious, but after they paid off your bike and you got the new one, did they make you do another down payment?
Look at that GRIN haha it says it all!!:leghump: now be careful :cool:

Nice!!! :leghump: just wait till you break it in and play with the power band. once you hit 10k on her she hauls some serious a**.

Enjoy and be safe
