-1 +2, Love It!!


So it took a week for them to be delivered and the shop has had my bike since last week. I got to pick her up this morning and I actually thought about callin in to work tonight. There is so much of a difference in changing the stock sprockets. OMG, I just love the get up n go now! It actually feels like a brand new bike to me. Just thought I'd share that.
are you saying... you drop one teeth on the front sprokets and added 2 teeth to the rear sprocket.

if so i think that means you changed by 1 tooth..... since adding 1 to the front equals dropping 3 off the rear.

that should be close to stock.
Isnt it great!!
I really havent noticed to much mpg drop off. I mean their is some, but not enough to where I would go back to stock.

You really fly thru the gears...
He went -1 on the front and +2 on the back, either will increase acceleration.
Doing both will really increase the get up and go, but drop the top speed.
So does it take off like an R6 now? :)
So does it take off like an R6 now? :)

Don't know, I have never been on one but my buddy who has the 09 raven put in his order today after we got done riding, he was kinda pissy that he couldn't keep up with me! LMAO!!! but he sure flew by me when i got to around 122 on the speedo. I am going to have another one of my buds drive his truck with me this weekend so I can get somewhat of an accurate speed at 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 cuz I have no clue how fast I'm going now.

Although it might be a good excuse if I get pulled over, :justkidding:
Isnt it great!!
I really havent noticed to much mpg drop off. I mean their is some, but not enough to where I would go back to stock.

You really fly thru the gears...

I really could care less about mpg, I didn't buy this bike to be a gas saver, I bought it to have fun with it. With this change is really is more exciting to me! And I love flying thru the gears like I do now. Although I do have to watch it in 1st and 2nd now cuz the front comes up like butta now!
its like a whole new bike with sprocket swap. glad you like it!
:) After such kind words it seems to me -1/+2 is good thing to do...
Hey, guys, I've used "search" a little but have not found answers on 3 questions:
1. What are ID's/part numbers for -1/+2 sprockets? (or place to order)
2. Is there way to correct speedo?
3. There is no need to replace chain, correct?

I'm gonna join to the "-1/+2" club too... :D
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Answers to your questions,

1- I got my sprocket set from OFD racing at OFD.com (ask for Dean)
2- You will need a speedo healer Part# Speedo Healer Version 4 + SH-Y01
3- No

Hope this helps...
I will put up where the site where I got mine when I get out of work but I got mine $20 cheaper than ofd has them for with $8 shipping.

I went 1 down in the front on mine and noticed a big diff. My front tire comes up really easy now. Might do the back now too.
