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  1. P

    Bad Experience at Dealership Today

    I was at the dealership where I got my 6r a few years ago today looking at dirt bikes with my brother today. At one point a sales person comes up and asks us what we ride and if we have any questions. When we told her I had an fz6r she said she was disappointed, and that it was a neutered 600...
  2. P

    Punctured new rear tire, fixed but..

    So today I went to check my tire pressure before a ride with my girlfriend. to my surprise the rear was at 20 PSI. I quickly found an industrial staple lodged ride in the valley of the tread of my brand new pilot road 2. After doing some research and consulting a few mechanics, it seemed like...
  3. P

    New Member North County San Diego

    Hey guys, my name is Ben. I took the msf course about a year ago with my dad and it was a blast. Just started riding a few months ago. Got a white fz6r on labor day. used with about 3k miles. I've been absorbing all sorts of knowledge from this forum and you guys have been super useful. I just...
