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  1. S

    OK I am thinking

    I was talking to my wife who bought my 6r for me, I enjoy it, but it is really rough to force anything more from it. I had it loaded down with all bags and my son for a trip last weekend. It was at it's end, I ran with my dad and a friend of ours down to Shawnee state park, and we ran the river...
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    general question

    I need to know if anyone can run out and check the length of the rear shock, eye to eye. I am out of town.
  3. S

    UH OH! I think I did it now.

    OK, I had mentioned I bought the beemer for the wiffle. Well, that backfired! Now I am in for it, my wife is going under the knife on Monday. She will ne unable to get out of bed for 6 weeks, then it will be about 3~4 months for a full recovery. No not related to the bike. She is hopeful to...
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    Do you think the wifey will like it?

    So I am getting this for the wife. Now I am aving second thoughts of if she will like it! lol! OOOooops..... too late.... now it's pucker and get opinions or sell it??? It has heated grips and a lowered seat as well as a lowering link (she's a midget type of short) It has aux. lights, comes...
  5. S

    What is up with all the sales?

    Simple... I am just curious WHY all the bikes are up for sale. I understand people want to sell in the spring... blah blah... however, there just seems to be a ton of bikes up, more than usual. On most sites, I don't know if you folks financed and can't make the payments, or what... just bored...
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    I think this should sum it up

    If you don't know how to say why you ride, What is EPIC to you? - YouTube
  7. S

    Auxilary lights?

    Anyone have them? Any suggestions? Where did you mount them? Reason is I am looking to make a few different styles and try a few placements. I do camp off this thing, that means no light in the middle of nowhere. I really don't want to hit another deer, or rather be hit by one.
  8. S

    This is my crack...... ooooo baby lol!

    OK, not that one. SICKO!! No really, my crack lately has been Nutella and Snyders pretzels. I am really going to have to go to a 15 step program lmao! 12 won't be enough. I actually have resorted to having one bag and a small jar in my car! Ok, so, what is your crack...
  9. S


    How does a question constitute as an insult? I am wondering how sensitive we must be or thin skinned in order to take something so far out of context that we must feel like a little bantering, or messing with each other is in the realm of being mean? I am from Chicago, I understand we are...
  10. S

    need help finding a seat from euro.

    Hi, I am looking at your seats and loving them. I want to know some dealers somewhere that I can purchase one. I don't dis-like our two seat set up but like the more traditional touring seat. Any of you willing to sell one of yours? Or have any dealers that you would buy from?
  11. S

    how to convince a random stranger

    Just a stupid question, have any of you ever just walked up to a perfect stranger and convinced them to remove thier clothes? LMAO!!!! my buddy was doing this when we were out the other day. He literally just walked up to women and said he would like to see their ass or breasts and two gave him...
  12. S

    working on forcing my wife to divorce me!!

    I must be a complete glutton for pain. I am in the process of picking up 5 bikes. I haven't figured out what my problem is but I just can't stop! lol! The newest aquisition? I really need to stop but I am so hooked on getting all the bikes I want, I guess THIS is...
  13. S

    new safety pack?

    So My wife thought it would be funny to go to the store on my bike with her idea of a new safety back pack lmao!!!!
  14. S

    What I want from my fz6r

    Ok, so as we all know there are a few of us who are turning these into sport tourers. I already owned my all time favorite bike. Sorry, I haven't even started to mod my 6r for the duty it is going to do. I am still waitng for my windscreen, and I actually have the the givi luggage, I went and...
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    Touring the fz6r

    It seems there aren't too many riders here who use these bikes to tour with. I have every intention to, I bought this bike to just that. This bikes first trip will be the great river road. I will start with the Illinios section and round past Ciaro coming back up through Tenn. and Kentucky...
