LED GLOW Draining battery, any problems or tips?


New Member
Hi guys, First post here on the forum.

Anyways, just installed an LEDGlow kit on my 2009 FZ6R, Its nice, pretty and shiny :) anyways, its wired straight to my battery like their manual tells you to do. But even when my bike is off I can power the lights with the little clicker. I am worried that my battery might drain because the signal from the control box is always being emitted. Any tips? thanks
I will put a link to a YouTube video of the multi color fading. But yes I do recommend the led glow lot for motorcycle, I just got the 6 4" strips and love it. One thing they was hard was getting the cables ran nice clean and snug took about 3 hours total.
Led video

Interrupt the power to the battery with a toggle switch. That way, you can manually turn it off. However, you can leave the toggle on, and turn on your underglow from 100 feet away when you're leaving McDonalds for street cred :jerk:

Actually, I've been going back and forth about getting underglow since my first motorcycle. Are you happy with the quality of the kit? Do they offer it in multicolor? More pics from different angles?

Cycling video, just quick and easy showing all colors

2009 FZ6R LEDGlow - YouTube
Interrupt the power to the battery with a toggle switch. That way, you can manually turn it off. However, you can leave the toggle on, and turn on your underglow from 100 feet away when you're leaving McDonalds for street cred :jerk:

Actually, I've been going back and forth about getting underglow since my first motorcycle. Are you happy with the quality of the kit? Do they offer it in multicolor? More pics from different angles?
Here's another with a few more views

FZ6R LedGlow Kit - YouTube
i have 4 strips (2 in back 2 in front) but they are wired into the turn signals or tail lights so i dont think any draw when the bike is off. I know i have left them on for about 15 minutes before and it still started. I also highly recomend the battery tender though. If you attach the quick connect wire to your batter and just leave it there its simply a matter of taking off the rear seat and plugging it in when you get home which takes a total of about 20 seconds so i always plug mine in when i get home. Same with my cruiser except i dont even have to take off the seat to plug that one in.
Hi guys, First post here on the forum.

Anyways, just installed an LEDGlow kit on my 2009 FZ6R, Its nice, pretty and shiny :) anyways, its wired straight to my battery like their manual tells you to do. But even when my bike is off I can power the lights with the little clicker. I am worried that my battery might drain because the signal from the control box is always being emitted. Any tips? thanks
For What I have on my bike is 2 14",2 6", 2 4", 4 4" strip lights . (not in the picture 3 3watt led single above the rear tire). For led strip lights they don't take too much power. I've kept all mine of for a few hours with no problem. Plus right when you turn the bike on it charges the battery, if it's dead Jump start it. Also mine aren't led glow their custom strip cut to size with a toggle switch on off and on off for when the bike is not running.

For What I have on my bike is 2 14",2 6", 2 4", 4 4" strip lights . (not in the picture 3 3watt led single above the rear tire). For led strip lights they don't take too much power. I've kept all mine of for a few hours with no problem. Plus right when you turn the bike on it charges the battery, if it's dead Jump start it. Also mine aren't led glow their custom strip cut to size with a toggle switch on off and on off for when the bike is not running.

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Thank you all

Thank you all for your feedback. I have just come to the conclusion of letting the box sit plugged in, and if any problem occurs I will jump and then put a switch in. I let it sit for 3 days and it started no problem, though my clock was 5 minutes slow after that :confused: oh well. got the lights lookin fine :cool:
