Which jacket would you go with?


New Member
Ive seen alot of reviews on jackets and brands and it seems like you cant go wrong with an alpinestar jacket. But i think i found a good deal on an Icon jacket and im not sure which to go for now. any help would be appreciated.
i live in miami where its hot 90% of the year lol

its between this alpinstar T-GP Plus Air jacket for 220$
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this icon compound mesh jacket for 200$
The A-stars T-GP Plus Air is an aggressively cut, tight, race fit with a very short front. I liked it pretty good, however there is an issue with flapping since the air is not exhausted very well at the back of the upper arms.

The T-GP-R Air model is a much looser relaxed touring type fit, and does not flap nearly as bad. The all black is a fantastic jacket as any of these jackets with white trim will bug stain badly, with the black you just grab a wet rag and wipe it down post ride and put it away, lowest maintenance jacket I have ever owned.
me and my GF both have the Icon Hooligan 2 (she has the pink girls version but it looks close to mine) and they are nice. they work well with the liner when it gets cooler out but when it gets real cold i have to wear a few layers under it lol. when you take the liner out the air goes right through it. Ive worn it on days around 100 and as long as your moving, air flows nicely.
The A-stars T-GP Plus Air is an aggressively cut, tight, race fit with a very short front. I liked it pretty good, however there is an issue with flapping since the air is not exhausted very well at the back of the upper arms.

The T-GP-R Air model is a much looser relaxed touring type fit, and does not flap nearly as bad. The all black is a fantastic jacket as any of these jackets with white trim will bug stain badly, with the black you just grab a wet rag and wipe it down post ride and put it away, lowest maintenance jacket I have ever owned.

I tried on one of the models I can't remeber which one of A* but I believe it was the plus air version and it was really tight(they only had a small to try on. I'm 6'0-6'1 and weigh 140 lb. very skinny fellow) so I'm now considering the one you suggested T-GP-R Air model. Do you know if this would be a significant upgrade from the A* viper jacket? 50$ less
me and my GF both have the Icon Hooligan 2 (she has the pink girls version but it looks close to mine) and they are nice. they work well with the liner when it gets cooler out but when it gets real cold i have to wear a few layers under it lol. when you take the liner out the air goes right through it. Ive worn it on days around 100 and as long as your moving, air flows nicely.

I heard these were good for cooling, what about protection wise? I reason I was going with the compound one was because I believe it has leather patches in the important places
I tried on one of the models I can't remeber which one of A* but I believe it was the plus air version and it was really tight(they only had a small to try on. I'm 6'0-6'1 and weigh 140 lb. very skinny fellow) so I'm now considering the one you suggested T-GP-R Air model. Do you know if this would be a significant upgrade from the A* viper jacket? 50$ less

The pricing on these A-stars mesh jackets are a bit of a mystery, they run from $200-$300 and are all pretty similar, so you could give the Viper a shot it should be good quality. Sizing between models is also a mystery, the R model runs big, a lot bigger than the Plus model, sounds like a medium would be the right size if you get the R model.
Ive seen alot of reviews on jackets and brands and it seems like you cant go wrong with an alpinestar jacket. But i think i found a good deal on an Icon jacket and im not sure which to go for now. any help would be appreciated.
i live in miami where its hot 90% of the year lol

its between this alpinstar T-GP Plus Air jacket for 220$
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this icon compound mesh jacket for 200$

i have the alpinestars jacket in white. its a tight to relaxed fit and as others have stated, high up in the front (bottom-front of the jacket sits right at my belt buckle). the back sits lower, so no back showing while im riding.

besides those little negatives, its a great summer jacket and would buy it again. VERY breathable, even with all the padding it comes with. might want to look into ordering a size up though
