My crash


New Member
I had my first crash this weekend. As far as I can tell, I locked the front up, and flew up and over. Besides the bike going for a solo ride, i went for a LONG tumble into some stacked tires. I was trying an over aggressive pass on a buddy, and he won. Lesson learned.
I wanted to take the time to remind everyone of safety gear. Yes, I was in full gear, and I still ended with road rash. I can't imagine what would of happened if this would have occurred to someone in shorts and a tshirt. My leather suit exploded on my hip, leaving me vulnerable to a softball sized rash. My helmet hit the ground multiple times, ending its life.

If no one objects, I can show a photo of the rash as it is now (kinda nasty). I assume I'm going to be left with some sort of life long reminder.
On the bright side (if there is one), I not only got it on video, but the guy I was trying to pass got video of the majority of my slide. Plus, PLUS!, I set a new personal best, but at a cost. :rolleyes:

My riding is over for the year, bring on the winter blues.
Glad you're ok, for the most part!

How's the bike and where's the vid?! :)

Here's the view from the othe guy, I haven't reviewed mine yet. Happens just after turn 1.
[ame=]Brian showing his moves - YouTube[/ame]

Bike is F'd. So far, this is what I found:
All of the body
Frame slider
Rear set (peg is gone and the rest is bent)
Bar end
clutch lever
Fairing stay
Instrument cluster
Frame is scuffed
Wow!! Thanks for sharing. Was this a competitive race or just friendly track day?
Sent from my one and only iPhone 5 using Tapa 2 da talk

Just a trackday. But there may have been a little competitive motivation to try and make that ill advised pass. :zombie:

glad your not all broken. sucks the bike is jacked but like my uncle always told me, "unless your dead it could always be worse"
Thanks guys. I got checked out this morning, and they think it's just a bruised bone, but I'm going to have to wait and see. Expectedly, I'm sore all over today.

Here's the video I shot. If you are looking for the good stuff, go to 6:25.
[ame=]9-28-13 STT ACC Int Crash - YouTube[/ame]
Glad to hear you're "relatively" unscathed...

Your "buddy" didn't seem terribly concerned watching you go flying across the asphalt (unless there's some unwritten rule about not stopping when you see a potentially life-threatening down)...
Glad to hear you're "relatively" unscathed...

Your "buddy" didn't seem terribly concerned watching you go flying across the asphalt (unless there's some unwritten rule about not stopping when you see a potentially life-threatening down)...

It's actually a written rule. No stopping under any circumstances. No need to clog up the area, or cause more of a distraction for oncoming riders.

