Enter Now for October BOTM!!


Staff member
Enter now for October BOTM!!! Upload your picture to the October 2013 BOTM

Rules are:

1. No photoshopping!!!! Picture must be as taken, this is a bike competition not a photoshop competition.
2. Must be a new photo (in other words, no repeats).
3. It must be your bike to qualify, no prejudice against other makes and models. All bikes are welcome. Only one picture per member.
4. Uploading pictures will take place the first three weeks of the month, voting will be on the last week of the month, at the end of the third week the contest entries will end and voting will be enabled.
5. The winner will be announced the last day of the month.
6. One picture per member can be entered every month (unless you won the previous month). You must wait 2 months before entering after winning.

Have fun and good luck!
Can I make an ironic entry to BOTM?

I added a picture of my bike, but I may vote for you just out of well-earned respect. That's one hell of a trip you went on. You ought to head over to advrider.com and post pics. There's a VERY short thread on the FZ6r over there - it's not a well respected tourer, apparently.
I added a picture of my bike, but I may vote for you just out of well-earned respect. That's one hell of a trip you went on. You ought to head over to advrider.com and post pics. There's a VERY short thread on the FZ6r over there - it's not a well respected tourer, apparently.

seeing this pic again still makes me want to cry lol
