Motorcycle accident scene I witnessed...


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Hope everyone has a quick recovery!

I hope everyone has a quick recovery too. What drove him off the road? just bad driving or too close to others in the group?

I want to know how many other people get a little creeped out by the accident posts? I would like to start a post for people who have never crashed so we have hope of making it through! we can all list how many years or miles we have been without an accident like a safety board at work lol


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not buying it

Im not buying that. I don't believe its inevitable your going to crash. I bet there has got to be some long time riders on here without being in an accident. Or god at least I hope so! I would have to question my sanity if 100% of people who ride a motorcycle crash.


New Member
Im not buying that. I don't believe its inevitable your going to crash. I bet there has got to be some long time riders on here without being in an accident. Or god at least I hope so! I would have to question my sanity if 100% of people who ride a motorcycle crash.
First, my best wishes for a quick recovery to the injured...

latony, I don't buy it either (that you can't go through your riding career without going down).
Target fixation, and not relaxing the outside arm in the turn -- IMHO the two biggest issues causing turn wrecks (assuming you're not taking the turn waaaay too hot).

Read "Total Control," by Lee Parks. Excellent section on steering, and using ONLY the inside arm to control the turn). I live by it -- and it works. In fact, read the whole book... You'll come out a better rider...


New Member
Im not buying that. I don't believe its inevitable your going to crash. I bet there has got to be some long time riders on here without being in an accident. Or god at least I hope so! I would have to question my sanity if 100% of people who ride a motorcycle crash.

You should start questioning your sanity me thinks!

Its always a matter of "when" not "if".

I would assume there is a few people out there that have ridden for 30-40+ years that are lucky and havent had an "off", but there wont be too many of them to tell the story...

Those "oops" moments in cars usually dont result in much, on a bike, those oops moments would normally be followed by "ouch".


New Member
There are plenty of people on the adventure rider forum who are well into their senior citizenship and never dropped a beat on the road. Amazing safety info and food for thought on that forum. These guys are also some of the most traveled riders.
