Flashing lights = first amendment

Pinarello Rider

New Member
Let's get this out of the way:

I hate cops being used as revenue generators. I also hate cops with power trips. I respect the job that they have to do, but using them to generate revenue (rather than enforce the law) is insulting to us as tax payers and the professionals that many of our LEOs truly are.

So it should come as no surprise that I would go out of my way to prevent someone from being a victim of this type of revenue stream. But, I have strayed away from flashing lights because people have been convicted of obstruction of justice for notifying people of a trap.

This case is interesting. Free speech? Seems logical to me. What say you?

I want to put this out there now. This already is starting off on a fine line. Careful how you respond, we have rules about this type of thread....

Fair warning: I reviewed forum rules and this is applicable, I think.

Running from the cops.
Police bashing/slander.
Breaking the law.

No satanic threads/links etc.
Politics. Unless posted in the Underground Politics area
Any form or racism PERIOD.

I don't think the question does any of these, but I did post this because it is a question of application of laws.
I always try to warn the oncoming traffic of the revenue collectors hiding down the road. In my car I flash the lights, on the bike I tap the top of my helmet. I've been saved before and try to repay the favor to the next fellow who might do the same to someone else, who might save me the next time I'm on the 'paid' road. :)
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Is this free speech or is this interfering with the police?

I've always thought of it as interfering with police business, even though I REALLY want to warn other drivers.
Traditionally, a pat on top of your own helmet with your left hand is a way to communicate LEO ahead to other motorcyclists. Some also use a twirl of the finger. I find it to be more subtle than a flashing headlight, and less enforcable. In Ontario, you will commonly be charged with improper use of heqadlight, so this system avoids that charge. Also, a cruiser 1/2 mile down the road is less likely to notice/understand the gesture. It's communicates well to the vehicle immediately oncoming, but isn't noticable from a distance the way a flashing headlight is. In my car, I will tap the brights if I notice someone running pretty quickly, but not indiscriminately at every car I see. My thinking is that, were I to be pulled over for it, I could argue that this guy was driving like a knob and I was flashing to make myself more visible because I was worried he might come in to my lane.

As far as the using LEO's to generate revenue, it is a whole other problem. A lot of front-line officers are not comfortabe with it, but the strategy is coming from government, not the police forces themselves. The municipality or other applicable governing body sets a traget revenue for traffic tickets and leaves it up to the police force to meet that target. If you want to change the system, it is a lot more effective to make your voice heard to your elected representatives. When you complain to a cop about it, they often have the exact same complaint. They are just doing a job like anyone else, taking direction from the top.

Now as for power trip cops, that is a matter that isn't really applicable here. There are bullies in every workplace. They need to be dealt with by their superiors on an individual basis, just like anywhere else.
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Interfering with entrapment should not be punishable by law. I vote freedom of speech! I am not saying in any way I condone speeding, but everyone does it and if you say you don't I won't believe you. Truckers relay to other drivers about speed traps via CB radio. Works better than a radar detector. Can the police prove that I flashed my lights to warn other? Nope, that's why enforcing the obstruction ticket doesn't hold up. What one LEO considers speeding another may not. I have had LEO's blow by me well over the speed limit (without lights or siren). Mostly depends on if they have a quota to meet (IMO). I have friends that are LEO's and they all set quotas for patrolmen.

The police don't need to prove anything when they hand you the ticket to ruin your day, and then another day when you have to go to court to fight it.

I don't know that this is a free speech issue. I do disagree with the premise that you can't alert drivers to the impending speed trap though. That is like stopping land owners from posting "no trespassing" signs.
The police should be giving me a pat on the back if flashing my lights is helping people slow down, I'm helping them do thier job of keeping traffic speeds down.
And that my friend is "supposed" to be the goal of speed traps and cameras.

Unfortunately, that is not the goal anymore, and there is very little that is going to change that.

In the meantime, the way to avoid getting caught in the trap is to remain vigilant, and drive within the speedlimit. That being said, as we all know, even the most vigilant falter, and having someone coming at you flashing headlights can be a good thing to check your speed. A "heads-up!" is all that is needed at times, especially when the trap is located just after the 50mph sign bringing the 65mph zone to an end.

And that my friend is "supposed" to be the goal of speed traps and cameras.

yeah, my point exactly. I do believe there is a true desire to bring down accidents by law enforment, but IMO, the worst issues are distraction related not speed, but unfortuantly speed is the easiest to enforce and generates revenue. We let way too much slide while driving in this country. Until that culture changes, people will continue to die on the roads. If someone kills someone while texting and driving, why should thier crime not be punished the same as OWI? They are both avoidable and undertaken knowing the risks. (this is just a hypothetical question)
