Whats your "Impossible" Christmas Wish


New Member
Hi All,

Been a while since I have posted something on the forum, but I make sure I visit the site daily :) Was watching this cute movie called Christmas Angel today. It is about impossible wishes coming true. So what is your "impossible" wish this Christmas? Thought it would be fun to share it here.

I will start with mine: to land that dream job of mine so that I can buy my dream car: Acura TSX 6 speed MT/w NAV :) Impossible for its own reasons though.

Go ahead and share yours.........


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Personally, I am content with my life and have everything I need or want...

If I could "wish" for anything this Christmas, it would be for my girlfriend (who I don't live with) to find a job. She has been unemployed for a while and things seem to be getting tougher and tougher for her. Her Mom and I have helped out as much as we can, but it's just not enough.

So that would be my Christmas wish, a job... any job for my girlfriend.

I wish...that for christmas I could have an anonymous donation or error in my favor that clears my student loan debt.

I Dont have a problem paying it, I just am scared of the financial burden for 25 years :(


New Member
I wish...that for christmas I could have an anonymous donation or error in my favor that clears my student loan debt.

I Dont have a problem paying it, I just am scared of the financial burden for 25 years :(

how true. my wife graduated college and got a fat raise but so much is taken by the damn student loan. other that, than our mortgage, 1 car payment and utilities and food we are paid up. better off than some with tons of CC debt.

i would like a new jeep 4X4 with all the aftermarket bells and whistles. and a couple of sweet dirtbikes on a trailer behind it. and a new street bike, and.............eh i got what i need. i am happy


Mistah T
Elite Member


World Most Bad A$$ 6R
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It's all going good these days for me. About $2500.00 left to pay on my CC and no bike or car loan... Budget is tight these days since the misses go to X-Ray tech school and we are paying out of pocket (no loan!)

As you get holder I think all you wish is health and be happy. The whole $$$ thing fall second. As long as you can pay your bills... it's all good. Toys are just toys.

I wish I could just magically loose weight.

Since this is "impossible" to happen I hope in 2013 I get the strength I need to accomplish that.


I know it's an old one, but I just wish we could have Peace. I think if people gave it a chance they would enjoy it. :rolleyes:


World Most Bad A$$ 6R
Elite Member


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To be with Daniel Craig. :leghump:

Nah, I'm happy with my life.... Although, to look like a VS model would be pretty neat. :eek:


New Member
Many years ago, I lived on the East Coast and found that my weight went up during the winter months because I was stuck inside being a couch potato. The only exercise I got was shovelling snow. When Spring came, I would have to fight to get my weight back down.

I came up with the idea, that I would only watch TV if I was on an exercise bike, so I purchased a fairly nice comfortable one, assembled it in front of the TV and that was the rule. No exceptions... (Football games are really long, by the way) Needless to say, my weight dropped and I felt better in all aspects of my life. It really is amazing what a little cardio will do for the entire body and mind.

Another benefit was I got a lot of projects done around the house, because I didn't want to watch as much TV.

Just my two cents...

Very nice idea buddy, i will tell my brother it...


New Member
Take it a step at a time Bro... those steps end up to makes miles very quick. Start slow and make it a life style change, not a diet plan.

Download one of those couch to 5K Iphone Apps. They are walk/run training help. It can be walk and walk faster training plan, what ever work best for you. You don't need a gym membership, or not right away. Force it in your schedule and make it an habit.

At 5' 8" and 170 lbs I burn about 1000 calories/hr. Start with 20-30 minutes walk/run.... then run.

Eat healthy and ship me your TV remote! LOL

Then again, start SLOW! You need to get back in shape to get back in shape. If it's not fun, you'll quit. Try Zumba, working out with a bunch of hot babe should get you going... :leghump:

I was always an active guy from 15 to about 24 years old I was playing soccer 3 times a week, going to the gym everyday, judo and jiujitsu on the weekends. I love exercising. My problem now is with all the weight I gain (about 100 pounds for the past 7 years) my knees hurt and besides that my time is very short. Me and my wife work 12 hours a day, by the time we got home, between 3 kids (my 2 and my 2 year old nephew that is staying in my house for now) homework, dinner, shower and bed, it's 10 o'clock and i'm out of energy and time. (I have to wake up 5 am everyday). It's not an excuse is just very hard and that really upsets me.

My mom is coming to spend 40 days with me so hopefully I get a little vacation (she is coming from brazil and it's being over an year since she saw the kids last) and will join some swimming classes.
