my new bike

sorry pics are overdue but i sold my fz6r and got this beauty :)





That certainly is a beautiful machine. I would love to go out and get a super sport, but I know I won't be able to pull off my 500+ mile days with one. In what areas would you say it is the most amount of comfort difference?
well i thought my lower back would suffer the most but my lower back is fine. its your neck, your basically looking straight up all the time. i went on a 200 km ride and when i got off i got a head rush and had to stretch my neck out real bad. it does what its supposed to do very well, which is go fast and handle amazing. but for a 2 day trip? well... im going to do it still but im gunna hurt haha. the extra 150 cc's makes a world of difference.... and the built in power programmer is nice. its "c" mode, or slow mode is comparable to the fz6r
In 1986 I bought my 1st GSXR (new) and proceded to ride across the Province..catch the ferry at Pictou and ended up on Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.) and spent a week touring around with 2 of my friends. Had a absolute wonderful time and actually funny enough the Super Sport position did not bother me at all. I suppose that was probably because I manually handled 700plus tires every 8 hour shift and my upper body was in decent shape. So touring on a GSXR can be done and it can be enjoyable. I would love to have another but my old beat up body would not handle it very well. Congrats on your purchase.:thumbup: BTW that white 6R still looks beautiful.
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yeah, I would do 6-8 hr rides on the FZ6R, on the gixxer I am usually ready to call it a day after 4-5 hrs; did an 8hr day on it last week, it was brutal, back hurt all week after that. But, yeah, my neck used to get sore, but that adjusted - lower back still has a limit, though, it seems.
That certainly is a beautiful machine. I would love to go out and get a super sport, but I know I won't be able to pull off my 500+ mile days with one. In what areas would you say it is the most amount of comfort difference?

Tiger 1050, lol! I am same way, I do too many long trips as well, then add in some fire roads and a few back roads, and suddenly, ss bike sucks for me.

You did buuy a beautiful machine though. Congrats.
In 1986 I bought my 1st GSXR (new) and proceded to ride across the Province..catch the ferry at Pictou and ended up on Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.) and spent a week touring around with 2 of my friends. Had a absolute wonderful time and actually funny enough the Super Sport position did not bother me at all. I suppose that was probably because I manually handled 700plus tires every 8 hour shift and my upper body was in decent shape. So touring on a GSXR can be done and it can be enjoyable. I would love to have another but my old beat up body would not handle it very well. Congrats on your purchase.:thumbup: BTW that white 6R still looks beautiful.
thanks lol, yeah i sold my fz6r to one of my good friends and my coworker. so i still get to see it everyday and id probably be able to take it for a rip if i really wanted too.
holy chicken strips.
holy sexy bike.

Back to the m8? lol
