Sold the fz6r


New Member
Well guys I let it go. I need to get a nice car for next semester for college and the sale will help fund it.

The guy called about 10 mins after I put the bike on Craigslist and drove 2 hours the next day (today) to claim it. He got the loan approved and the check with my name on it is being sent to him. Sunday the transaction will be complete.

He was the nicest person I have ever sold anything to. Perhaps too nice as he didn't even try to talk me down in price. I listed it for 4600 and that is what the cashiers check is being made for.

I will not leave you. I know a lot about the bike and will stick around to help people out with problems. I will also direct the buyer to this site. You will love having him. I'm really happy he was the one to buy the bike. He takes his safety course next week and said he won't ride it untill then. I hope he takes care of the bike like I did.
proud to have him aboard and glad your happy. What kind of car will you be buying?
This is probably the most intimate :) online community I've joined and glad to be a member.
Everyone is so friendly and spring to help another. We talk about pretty much everything from life's little issues, relationships, and of course FZ6R. Excellent collection of members and hope we can keep this up.

Have a safe and yummy BBQ Memorial Weekend.
Don't worry I'm still on two wheels. I will be taking my girlfriends scooter to school next semester. It's bright pink lol. I'll get more looks on that than I did the bike
Well guys I let it go. I need to get a nice car for next semester for college and the sale will help fund it.

The guy called about 10 mins after I put the bike on Craigslist and drove 2 hours the next day (today) to claim it. He got the loan approved and the check with my name on it is being sent to him. Sunday the transaction will be complete.

He was the nicest person I have ever sold anything to. Perhaps too nice as he didn't even try to talk me down in price. I listed it for 4600 and that is what the cashiers check is being made for.

I will not leave you. I know a lot about the bike and will stick around to help people out with problems. I will also direct the buyer to this site. You will love having him. I'm really happy he was the one to buy the bike. He takes his safety course next week and said he won't ride it untill then. I hope he takes care of the bike like I did.

I sold mine, but the fz6r is still on my soul! And love this forum/website.

But glad you will get some help for your car. Please be safe and hopefully, you will be find another bike soon!
