Hard Riding... *New vid added*

sweet vid dude! made me want to jump on my 6r right now but weather is crappy. gotta hate those tar snakes @ 2:40! lol
Nice work

Re: riding speed concerns
Doesn't the yellow suggested speed sign for corners have a moto algrebra equation of mph/kmh x2 for moto's?
you crazy rook! ;) great stuff! :thumbsup:

must be awesome having such open roads. all the twisties near me have driveways, and if i pushed it, i know sooner or later i'd end up in a not so happy place :( i still have fun, but i can't go Rook/CC style ;)
you crazy rook! ;) great stuff! :thumbsup:

must be awesome having such open roads. all the twisties near me have driveways, and if i pushed it, i know sooner or later i'd end up in a not so happy place :( i still have fun, but i can't go Rook/CC style ;)

lol wait, wait a min... CC style? oh, oh you mean when one does the speed limit?:D
