Passed the MSF course yesterday


New Member
It turned out to be quite a lot of fun, overall. Riding around on a little 250cc Suzuki that weighs about half of what my FZ6R does however was something that took a lot of getting used to. The engine kept stalling out on me at low speeds (once it even stalled out when I was going ~10mph and didn't even touch the clutch or anything) or threatening to stall out when I was having to do slow, tight turns. At one point we had to do a figure 8 inside a confined area, and no matter what I did, the engine would just randomly jerk and either push me out of the box or threaten to push me to the ground. I think the most fun I had was doing the emergency stops and swerves.

Some of the exercises were ridiculously boring, some were a little challenging, and some were just downright fun. We had 3 people drop out of the course before the day was over, sadly. They struggled a lot, but I still think they might have managed to pass if they had just kept going.

One of the people who showed up lives about 130 miles north of here. She rode all the way down on an '09 blue FZ6R for the course, with her boyfriend (at least I assume he was, never really asked actually) who was on a Ninja 650R. Was a real surprise to see somebody else show up on a 6R to say the least.
Sounds like you need to practice pulling in the clutch at low speeds. When in doubt, clutch the clutch.

Absolutely correct, however even when trying to keep the clutch in the friction zone this particular bike was jumpy and kept trying to stall on me. Not sure what the deal was. I don't have the problem on mine when I do it.
Was it the S40? If so that is the same bike I used in my MSF. Very TINY bike for someone 6', more so for 6'3 or 6'4. Felt like I was squeezing in, my knees were above myhandbars almost:) I had LOTS of problems in the figure 8 u turns also, but on my 6R, I can do them easier. Still dont know if I could stay in that box though!

I honestly don't remember which model they were. They were definitely tiny, and my knees were up above the handlebars as well. I managed to stay in the box, but had to put my foot down a time or two. Only did it once during the actual test, though.
Congrats on competing the course. We rode Hyosung Comet 250s and it was definitely different than the 6R. I did learn a ton though and gained some confidence from it.

Staying in that tiny box for the figure 8 is tough. I had to put my foot down once, but stayed inside. Doing tight turns on my bike "feels" much better, but I don't know if I actually perform better. :)
Good to see you enjoyed the class!, I rode a Honda Nighthawk 250 when I took mine, BIG difference from the Daytona. Thing felt awkward until I rode it about 20 minutes.
Congrats! Now get a few more months in on your 6R and take the Advanced Course. I learned a lot from all 3 courses. In most states the Advanced Course is done on your own bike which is interesting to do all the emergency manuevers on your own bike that you are familiar with. I learned the most from the Sportbike Course, very good stuff there.

Good on ya man! I wish everyone would take some of these courses.

well done. The Suzuki's we use in Georgia when I teach the Basic RiderCourse are TU250 and GS125. You probably had a bike that the previous user left the choke on too long and fouled out the plugs - very easy to do on the Suzies. Go here for the Practice Guide and have some more fun on your 6R
practice guide starts on p. 57.
