I never thought!


New Member
With inconsiderate cars and SUV's trucks and worst of all taxis around one always has to watch out for them self but I never thought the threat would come from another rider!

I was doing some riding around NYC MID-Manhattan going to a clients store this morning around 7am. When a guy riding a a blur fz6r Pulls up behind me to the right in the next lane!

I'm thinking cool this is the first time I've seen some one with my bike!

As we progress to through 39th street I put on my right blinker and proceed to slow down to pass behind him to exit onto the FDR Drive.

I look back to see where he is because at 40th st he has not passed and I cant see him in the mirrors. I spot him on the line between our two lanes keeping pace with me. I decide to speed up and try to change lanes that way and that's when the POS decides to rev his throttle fully and blast past me passing with in inches of my bike!

Have any of you had problems with other riders before?
When my neighbor got his Harley V-Rod 8 months ago I thought cool we can ride together (should of never went on a long ride) and I let him lead. He keep speeding up and slowing down and I almost rear ended him doing about 60mph. It was really pissing me off. About 2 miles from home I blew past him (safety thing) and never looked back. he wrecked his bike weeks later and totaled it (Insurance paid him out). Got almost the same identical bike off craigs list. (Well 8 months later I decided I take a chance ride with him last night he is better, but what a difference 8 months can make. Maybe that guy just needs to have more time in the saddle or he just is a POS and never will be a decent motorist. :)
Just recently a guy busted a u-turn to join a group of bikes and took them all out in the process....horrific scene.
When my neighbor got his Harley V-Rod 8 months ago I thought cool we can ride together (should of never went on a long ride) and I let him lead. He keep speeding up and slowing down and I almost rear ended him doing about 60mph. It was really pissing me off. About 2 miles from home I blew past him (safety thing) and never looked back. he wrecked his bike weeks later and totaled it (Insurance paid him out). Got almost the same identical bike off craigs list. (Well 8 months later I decided I take a chance ride with him last night he is better, but what a difference 8 months can make. Maybe that guy just needs to have more time in the saddle or he just is a POS and never will be a decent motorist. :)

YEp - it takes time. That's why we ride staggered and not next and behind each other.
Just recently a guy busted a u-turn to join a group of bikes and took them all out in the process....horrific scene.

:confused: what in the world was he thinkg? I hope all those in the group are ok. As for other riders, some just don't understand safety but instead just like to show off and most of the time those show off moves are the ones that get him or people around him hurt.
Couple months ago going to work was funny. Stopped at a light on 2 laner, no real traffic and this HD pulls up beside, fatboy I think. Anyways light turns green and he guns it, surprised me a bit, too early and caught me off guard or I'd have blown by him. Have seen alot of much dumber things, like when was with former GF and her daughter in the cage coming back from visiting my kids in Philly was on NJ turnpike going 75-80mph and out of nowhere these 2 guys passed us on the right probably doing 100+ on liter bikes ON ONE WHEEL!!!
From a standstill, most 1000cc Harley's will get you off the line. Those twins have lots of torque and geared for it. They don't usually lift the front end with their weight so all of that power is straight ahead with no worries that a sportbike would have, (Proper clutching and throttle application=skill). Our bikes aren't dragsters anyway...............
He didn't really get off that quickly, he'd have pulled ahead 1st 100 yards but after that he'd have been toast lol. I normally don't do that sort of thing anyway, besides way too early in the morning, didn't have my 3rd cup of coffee yet.
Saw a plate on a Corvette the other day that said "NOCANDO"

I'm trying to think of a plate for my bike that would be similar so that people don't think I'm going to race at every light just because I have a sport bike.

Maybe the hi-viz jacket that I get will scream "newb" and people will get the hint and not try to race me.

:confused: what in the world was he thinkg? I hope all those in the group are ok. As for other riders, some just don't understand safety but instead just like to show off and most of the time those show off moves are the ones that get him or people around him hurt.

Unfortunately there were fatalities........he survived though.
