Please post about your mishaps here

Battling to feel comfortable in the corners

So I've only been riding for just over a month, took the MSF BRC course here in FL in June. My only real previous experience was dirt biking many years ago, so I'm still really new to street riding.

A few friends and I went for a ride yesterday, down the beach front in Lake Worth. They're all fairly experienced but not silly. There were a few ZX6Rs, a CBR600RR and another CBR, so all SS bikes. We hit this bend around 35 mph and I just couldn't hold the lean, it felt like my back tire started sliding and I was close to dropping my FZ6R. Thankfully there was no traffic in the other direction, so I slowly tapped off, got her upright, went across the road on the grass and stopped there.

It's completely my fault, I entered the corner much faster than I was comfortable with, riding above my skill level while trying to keep up with the guys in front of me, and not irritate the guys behind me, but I just can't seem to get comfortable in the corners.

I've tried focusing on everything, looking in the direction of the turn, slowing down enough before the turn, correct braking and in the correct gear, leaning with the bike, constant smooth throttle through the corner however as soon as the lean gets past a certain point it feels like I'm going to fall and I start freaking out and obviously tense up and start sending inputs through the handlebars that the bike doesn't need.

Is this just something that takes a lot more time and practice to get better at or will taking corners freakishly slow and safely be with me for a long time ?
Slow down to your skill level before something happens beyond your control and your luck runs out. Practice,practice and then practice more. Your confidence will come up gradually. If you dump the bike it will set you back a long ways on your confidence. It is an unnatural felling to lean like that but once you get it,it is one of the best things about riding. There are several good books you can read,but nothing beats practice. Ride safe and have fun!:)
So I've only been riding for just over a month, took the MSF BRC course here in FL in June. My only real previous experience was dirt biking many years ago, so I'm still really new to street riding.

A few friends and I went for a ride yesterday, down the beach front in Lake Worth. They're all fairly experienced but not silly. There were a few ZX6Rs, a CBR600RR and another CBR, so all SS bikes. We hit this bend around 35 mph and I just couldn't hold the lean, it felt like my back tire started sliding and I was close to dropping my FZ6R. Thankfully there was no traffic in the other direction, so I slowly tapped off, got her upright, went across the road on the grass and stopped there.

It's completely my fault, I entered the corner much faster than I was comfortable with, riding above my skill level while trying to keep up with the guys in front of me, and not irritate the guys behind me, but I just can't seem to get comfortable in the corners.

I've tried focusing on everything, looking in the direction of the turn, slowing down enough before the turn, correct braking and in the correct gear, leaning with the bike, constant smooth throttle through the corner however as soon as the lean gets past a certain point it feels like I'm going to fall and I start freaking out and obviously tense up and start sending inputs through the handlebars that the bike doesn't need.

Is this just something that takes a lot more time and practice to get better at or will taking corners freakishly slow and safely be with me for a long time ?

Just keep practicing! and take corners at YOUR skill level, and where your comfortable. Don't worry about getting left behind or irritating the people behind you. Remember they are riders too, and they went through the same thing you are, if they get pissed then don't worry about it. Ride safe and at your skill level. Never push your limits if your not ready to do that!
Take your time! I've been riding since I'm 6yo. When I got my bike last June (After about 20y) It took me a solid 3-4 months to get my groove back. First the last thing I wanted to do is lay her down and I just did my thing and now everything is fine.

We should go ride together... I'm in PBG, right across from the Downtown at the Gardens.

That sounds great, I'll PM you for details. I've been meaning to chat with you anyway, your windshield and exhaust are on my mods todo list ;)
Northeast Alabama, Gadsden. What part of Ms are you from?

South MS, about an hour from the coast. A bit of a drive from you, but who knows, maybe by Spring I'll have enough miles under me to feel more comfortable with that kind of road trip :)
In my near 14 years of riding- I have had ALOT of "Mishaps"..

But the most recent mishap lately was.. leaning to much on a left handed turn and over a storm drain.. (goes across the road) - made the tire slide a lil.. Nothing that bothered me.. But it could of been bad for me.. or someone else.

Before that.. Went riding on the mountain and my rear tire was over inflated..
drifted a couple of times.. had to reduce the pressure.. I didnt have a gauge and wanted to go ride and knew I needed more air..

But too much air.. can be worse then not enough... Not having enough tire contact can lowside you bad !
Rode just about 200 miles today, filled up after 132.2 and only put in 2.44 gallons. So... I'm feeling pretty good about getting 54mpg, and tired as hell from working 12hrs then going on my ride. I'm heading home trying to figure out what I need to do before I can lay down and catch some zzz's. Basically not even thinking about what I'm doing. As I pull into my (gravel) alley I drop it into 1st as always and just crawl it into my driveway. I pull into my driveway and hit the garage door opener shift into neutral-basically all at once. Going 5mph I let go of the clutch and next thing I know I'm on the pavement wondering :wtfgun: just happened.

Picked the bike up in a fury of cusses. notice coolant has spilled out of the bottle and my brake pedal is a little bent. I bend it back, then try to push the bike into the garage so I can lick my wounded ego, but the bike won't move. I check the back brake and it is clamped on the rotor. So I start to press and release the pedal trying to get it to unlock. No luck. Alright, I'll just start it and see if it will let go then. wont f'ing start. Check the kill switch. Pull the key out and try to start again. Still nothing.

Well if you guessed I shifted past N into 2nd go grab yourself a cookie. 5min after picking the bike up off the pavement I finally figure out how it got there in the first place. When I let out the clutch going so slow the engine died and apparently if the bike is in gear it acts as a parking break and locks the rear wheel. Good to know. The only good thing to come out of this is that I noticed I'm missing a bolt for the front brake fluid resevoir that's clamped to the handle bar.

Time for a nap.
Rode just about 200 miles today, filled up after 132.2 and only put in 2.44 gallons. So... I'm feeling pretty good about getting 54mpg, and tired as hell from working 12hrs then going on my ride. I'm heading home trying to figure out what I need to do before I can lay down and catch some zzz's. Basically not even thinking about what I'm doing. As I pull into my (gravel) alley I drop it into 1st as always and just crawl it into my driveway. I pull into my driveway and hit the garage door opener shift into neutral-basically all at once. Going 5mph I let go of the clutch and next thing I know I'm on the pavement wondering :wtfgun: just happened.

Picked the bike up in a fury of cusses. notice coolant has spilled out of the bottle and my brake pedal is a little bent. I bend it back, then try to push the bike into the garage so I can lick my wounded ego, but the bike won't move. I check the back brake and it is clamped on the rotor. So I start to press and release the pedal trying to get it to unlock. No luck. Alright, I'll just start it and see if it will let go then. wont f'ing start. Check the kill switch. Pull the key out and try to start again. Still nothing.

Well if you guessed I shifted past N into 2nd go grab yourself a cookie. 5min after picking the bike up off the pavement I finally figure out how it got there in the first place. When I let out the clutch going so slow the engine died and apparently if the bike is in gear it acts as a parking break and locks the rear wheel. Good to know. The only good thing to come out of this is that I noticed I'm missing a bolt for the front brake fluid resevoir that's clamped to the handle bar.

Time for a nap.

Well that sucks... If its in gear it wont move because its in gear. If you pull the clutch in, you would have been able to push it.
glad ur ok and learned it at home not a parking lot smashin other rigs lol
If its in gear it wont move because its in gear.

I ran out and checked the back brake and it's still really close to the rotor so I guess I just assumed it was engaged.

Is everybody's pad really close to the rotor, because I can pry it away then after a couple of pumps of the brake it moves back in and stays there. It's not touching but less than 1mm away.
The pads should be agains the rotor... if not you will need to pump the brake to stop... Make sure the pedal go up and down freely and the linkage is not bend.

+1. They should be very lightly touching. Like Marthy said, otherwise when you hit the brake, nothing would happen at first.
well i had my 1st accident tuesday morning. coming home from work just starting to get light out, and from the corner of my eye i see to deer running towards me n i think this is it im gona get hurt, some how all she did was smack the ass end of my bike sendign me into a small death wobble and i rode out. i dont think i could have gotten any luckier. had soem damage to my saddle bag/trunk rack and my trunk and thats all. scariest moment of my life.

Wow, glad it was not any worse! Lucky indeed.
well i had my 1st accident tuesday morning. coming home from work just starting to get light out, and from the corner of my eye i see 2 deer running towards me n i think this is it im gona get hurt, some how all one of them did was smack the ass end of my bike sending me into a small death wobble and i rode out. i dont think i could have gotten any luckier. had some damage to my saddle bag/trunk rack and my trunk and thats all. scariest moment of my life.

someone was watching over you
