Please post about your mishaps here

I have a couple stories from last week:

1.)Went 2 car lengths past the intersection line, braking hard. I was going around a decreasing radius turn, and there was a whole lotta tree's in the way. As soon as the road straightened out, BAM stoplight. It seemed like it came outta nowhere. I gradually applied breaks, as hard as I could without locking.
Needless to say I got some nasty looks from the other cagers @ the light.

2.) Stalled on a rather steep incline. I cannot seem to manage working the break and applying throttle at the same time smoothly. I long ago wiped that practice from my head while riding. But of course this is a technique to use getting uphill. I had to hold up 467 lbs. and manhandle the thing up hill till it got straight again. I did not want to mess around getting it right while in that panicked/excited state. A LEO ran over and said "dude i have a bike myself, do you need any help?"

3.)I was approaching an intersection and pulled in the clutch to upshift. Light was green. Light turned red. Somehow I managed to blow the red light, because it caught me off guard that I needed to break, when my plan was to upshift. Hard to explain, but I drew a blank @ that moment. I could have--- kept the clutch in, applied breaks, and downshifted. But it just didn't work out in my head at the time. It was like I was SET ON UPSHIFTING. Weird.

4.) SUV driver straight up merges into my lane and decides to share the lane with me. I honk, and she speeds off @ like 65mph on a suburban street. Weird... and scary! Do these people not think about what the consequences are if I were to get hit? I would get squished by her ego inflating gas guzzler!

5.)Took of THROUGH an intersection as the green turn arrow signal came on. I was so set on taking off well and in time because there was a cager who seemed pretty impatient behind me at the light. I was so vulnerable while going through that intersection at like half speed because I realized what I had done right around 1/4 through the box. I pulled over later and felt like puking because my nerves were so wracked in those couple of seconds.

Close calls, but no damage to the bike... Or myself. Only my ego a tid bit. I've come to realize that these are learning experiences, and everyday that I come back home in one piece (and my bike) is a lesson learned. I try to look at it positively, even though that red light was totally my fault. But it's not because I had a death grip on the throttle. Just too much information overload for me at that instant.
Hell of a day

I started riding last year and really haven't had any close calls, until today. I was on my way home from work when i notice 2 utility vans parked in a driveway on the side of the road. One of the vans I could see had his back up lights on and was starting to reverse. As he was backing up he decieded to back into the driveway causing his front end to swerve completely out into my lane. As I was watching this closely I lost track of the SUV infront of me applying his breaks. By the time I saw him all I could do was grab the brakes. Locked up the rear tire which started sliding out from under me. I managed to keep it upright and pulled out of it and made it home. Not even a few hours later I was headed home from the gym when a guy in an on-coming S-10 swerved right at me. It honestly looked like he was trying to hit me. I have no other explaination. Again I locked up the rear tire which started ot slide, and managed to pull out of it. I have not taken the MSF yet because the nearest class is 1 hour away and I haven't had the time. What are you supposed to do when a car swerves at you like that?

I have no deceided to find the time for the MSF.

P.S. When going to the gym I usually only wear gym shorts, a cut off T-shirt and a helmet.
I started riding last year and really haven't had any close calls, until today. I was on my way home from work when i notice 2 utility vans parked in a driveway on the side of the road. One of the vans I could see had his back up lights on and was starting to reverse. As he was backing up he decieded to back into the driveway causing his front end to swerve completely out into my lane. As I was watching this closely I lost track of the SUV infront of me applying his breaks. By the time I saw him all I could do was grab the brakes. Locked up the rear tire which started sliding out from under me. I managed to keep it upright and pulled out of it and made it home. Not even a few hours later I was headed home from the gym when a guy in an on-coming S-10 swerved right at me. It honestly looked like he was trying to hit me. I have no other explaination. Again I locked up the rear tire which started ot slide, and managed to pull out of it. I have not taken the MSF yet because the nearest class is 1 hour away and I haven't had the time. What are you supposed to do when a car swerves at you like that?

I have no deceided to find the time for the MSF.

P.S. When going to the gym I usually only wear gym shorts, a cut off T-shirt and a helmet.
If you are on a two lane road and an oncoming vehicle crosses the line into your lane your options are very limited. Brake first which means you'll be going slower if there's an impact or if you leave the roadway. Secondly, if you have time, move as far to the right as you safely can. Third, if the oncoming is going to hit you and you have time, head for the ditch. That last one is a hard one to do I've been told. You know there's going to be a wreck if you hit the ditch, but it's better than being hit head on. You may die either way but with one (the ditch) you at least have a chance at survival. I've had a vehicle come into my lane head on and I braked and at the same time moved to the edge of the roadway without leaving the pavement. The oncoming vehicle passed me still in my lane but left me a few feet of space. Really scary. David
Lesson Learned

So yesterday I went on a 32 mile ride not to long...But I learned my lesson in avoiding gravel on pavement. I was circling around and hit a patch of gravel and almost went into a ravine. But we made it barely hanging over the edge. My buddy and I then carefully removed her from the ledge. Minor bumps and to follow.
Well, it had to happen eventually :mad:

As soon as you back out of the garage, my driveway is a steep decline at about -45 degrees. While backing out of the garage this morning, I didn't turn my wheel hard enough, and I ended up almost sideways on a steep decline, and not enough leverage to backup anymore. Getting off the bike on a incline would have surely ended up with it falling over, so in my overconfidence I started it up, didn't get enough speed to turn the wheel and straighten out, and dropped it :eek: I should have slowly duck walked it until I was straight going down the hill, but I guess hindsight is 20/20.:shakehead:

Luckily, my Shoguns took 70% of the damage, with the other 30% being on the right side mirror. I couldn't find any other damage, once I learn my lesson I can replace those two things pretty easy and hopefully forget this happened...
This was really embarasing.
Brand new 2011 2000km on it I decide to clean the chain and gears then wash it put a 2x4 under the stand to make it easier then went to wash the rest of the bike and I forgot the 2x4 so when I started to wash the bike fell over scratched the turn signal mirror side cover and fairing not to mention I bent the brake pedal pretty bad. Leson learned never put anything under your stand.
This was really embarasing.
Brand new 2011 2000km on it I decide to clean the chain and gears then wash it put a 2x4 under the stand to make it easier then went to wash the rest of the bike and I forgot the 2x4 so when I started to wash the bike fell over scratched the turn signal mirror side cover and fairing not to mention I bent the brake pedal pretty bad. Leson learned never put anything under your stand.

You can put 2x4s under your stand, but you gotta tie the bike to the same side of your garage as well. It's better to just get the proper equipment, though. Sorry you had to learn it the hard way!
A few weeks ago I was backing my bike out of the garage. Now my house I am renting was getting some updating and the landlord had put a ton of stuff in the garage. Not a lot of room to back out plus some sand and I tipped over. Now I was able to catch it before the bike fell to the ground.. Pulled it back up and the only damage was that in the process my key was bent to almost 90 degrees and was still in the ignition.. Came out alright and I have a spare but no idea how the key got bent. So no harm no foul but still a mishap..
Almost did a flip today (in addition to the mishap from before). Was riding with someone on a trike. Road was 60mph. Trike braked real quick and yelled "DOG" into our comm units. I couldn't swerve around him so I braked but only applied the front break for some stupid reason.

Dog was centimeters from being hit. Thankfully he turned around real quick and got out of my way, but my back tire was definitely airborne.

Pretty exhilarating. Damn dog.
12 yrs. ago I wrecked my mountain bike. I hit a big lump of asphalt on the shoulder of the road, there were no street lights, and I was going as fast as I could. Anyway, I saw the lump of asphalt on the way to my sis but I thought I had already past it up. So I got over on the shoulder and needless to say I went over the handle bars into the middle of the street and woke up with my bicycle on top of me. I got up as fast as I could and realized that I hurt all over but couldn't see the damage yet. Reached down to pop my chain back on and couldn't move my wrist. Headed back home on the bike and started feeling more pain, I looked down and my hands, left forearm, and all my knuckles were bleeding. I get to the hospital and they asked me how fast I was going on my motorcycle? I explained to them I was on my mountain bike and that I don't have a motorcycle. They figured I was going at least 25 miles per hour. This year I dropped my motorcycle(frameslider) on my foot and broke it. I picked the bike up after alot of yelling and rode home. Then put ice on my foot until the next day and I couldn't really move it so I told my husband I think I need to go to the doctor. And while I was there they asked me " What kind of bicycle do you have?" Again I had to explain it was my motorcycle. Out of both accidents the worst one was my mountain bike because I still have scars and roadrash in my arm. I'm just glad I lived through it all.
Dropped my bike today :/

Was getting ready to back up into my usual parking spot but there were cardboard boxes in the way. Then I got distracted for a moment and forgot to throw the kickstand down. About midlean I realized my mistake but it was too late. I quickly hopped off my bike to get into lift position to minimize the damage. My left Zx6r mirror ended up a bit scuffed along with the shogun frame slider but all in all, I got off lucky.

It was essentially one of those moments where I acquired temporary superhuman strength, kinda like how a mom can lift a car off her kid in the heat of the moment. For my troubles, I ended up with a pulled muscle in my lower back, but at least my bike is okay.
I've had my share of near misses just like everyone elseI guess, but the worst thing that has happen to me happen today. I live in Alabama and riding in the summer is hot as hell so i ride with my visor up to get the most air flow possible to keep cool. I caught a yellow jacket today next to my left eye. Damn that sucks!! I about wrecked trying to get my damn helmet off. I hope no one else has to deal with that! :(
Hi-side today... very small dent in the tank, small scrape on the brake reservoir cover and sliders.... a small bruise or two on my shoulder and hip.... a very BIG bruise in my ego

did it in shorts and t-shirt... wouldn't recommend anyone go down in shorts and tshirt.... (read on... I'm not that guy...)

yeah... I'm ATGATT (I'd consider this like pulling your bike out of a garage to do some work on it, I don't quite gear up then)... I was pulling my bike around the pit lane after a rain storm, going all of 5 mph and the rear just started sliding away from me... I immediately pulled in the clutch and tried to get a foot down, then the tire caught, threw me superman style, bike slid about 5 ft.... I just bounced off my shoulder and hip... jumped up and picked up my bike... I look over and everyone I was with came running over, I'm telling them I'm ok... I start looking over the bike (because we're going to Indy this week)... then I see my wife and kids balling and screaming... ugh, freaked them out seeing me do that

funny thing is someone was just like "show everyone how well those tires do in the rain" my exact reply "I am not going any faster in shorts and tshirt".... 5 seconds later...... yeah.... lesson learned, after a rain, at the track, in pit lane... it's slicker-n-snot on a 5year old kid...

Whaaaaaaaat? Damn man! Sorry to hear that, glad it wasnt any worse! :(
I've had my share of near misses just like everyone elseI guess, but the worst thing that has happen to me happen today. I live in Alabama and riding in the summer is hot as hell so i ride with my visor up to get the most air flow possible to keep cool. I caught a yellow jacket today next to my left eye. Damn that sucks!! I about wrecked trying to get my damn helmet off. I hope no one else has to deal with that! :(
I had rather get stung by any bee or wasp other than a yellow jacket. They are so small but pack such a wallop. It's the only one I run and I do mean run, away from. Most others I walk thru them or just swat them away. David
I've had my share of near misses just like everyone elseI guess, but the worst thing that has happen to me happen today. I live in Alabama and riding in the summer is hot as hell so i ride with my visor up to get the most air flow possible to keep cool. I caught a yellow jacket today next to my left eye. Damn that sucks!! I about wrecked trying to get my damn helmet off. I hope no one else has to deal with that! :(

Dude, that sucks. I feel you with the heat, I'm next door (MS). I open up all the vents, use ear plugs, and just open my visor one notch for this reason. There's a few splattered bugs on my visor that I'm glad weren't on my face :)

What part of AL just for curiosity, north or south?
