I got hit last night, Actually my car was PARKED and got hit!


Well-Known Member
So I was out on a date and while we both had a few drinks we had the sense to relax and enjoy the night without hurting anyone's personal property.

So while we were walking along the river I hear my car alarm go off and come back to find this:

Sorry bro, that sucks! Looks someone else was a having a few drinks too, but they decided to do the stupid thing and hop behind the wheel.
it doesnt look too bad. you have a few options. 1) file a claim, get it fixed 2) file a claim, and get cashed out and dont fix it or 3) just clean off the paint transfer and live w/ it.
Sorry to see that, dude...
Been there as well... "Frustration" doesn't even begin to cover it (especially since the insurance deductible doesn't)...

Just one of those things you need to chalk up to "sh!t happens."
of course they didnt stay or leave a note. i hate scum bags who refuse to be responsible for their own actions. if you did it, own up and handle it.
That totally sucks... Hope it's not too expensive to fix...

it doesnt look too bad. you have a few options. 1) file a claim, get it fixed 2) file a claim, and get cashed out and dont fix it or 3) just clean off the paint transfer and live w/ it.
Sorry but I'm not about to drive around with a damaged car, I spent too much on my car to allow it to look like crap. As for the other options I already called a friend that does body and it would be a couple thousand to fix it on my own. So I will be putting it through the insurance company and having them fix everything. Even though it means my rates will go up for the next 5-7 years....
Sorry to see that, dude...
Been there as well... "Frustration" doesn't even begin to cover it (especially since the insurance deductible doesn't)...

Just one of those things you need to chalk up to "sh!t happens."
Yeah. I was just hoping to not have to have my car fixed after only owning it for 2.5 years.....
that sucks, but I hope you didn't let it ruin your date.
To be honest, it kind of did as I was about to have her back at my place but was in no mood after, way too pissed off! But yeah...

Regardless things still went fairly well in spite of everything and I'll probably go out with her again this coming weekend. She's a good person and we get along pretty well. Sucky end to a first date though.
A couple of thousand? Jesus... Shit got expensive over there, I've had the entire side of a car sanded back, filled and dents pulled and finally resprayed in metallic paint for £800 this... Is a wheel arch. Bloody Nora.
A couple of thousand? Jesus... Shit got expensive over there, I've had the entire side of a car sanded back, filled and dents pulled and finally resprayed in metallic paint for £800 this... Is a wheel arch. Bloody Nora.

The problem comes into play that the rear bumper cover was also compromised and taken down to the plastic. So they have to respray a large section of the rear bumper along with the metal having a 10-12 inch long crease in it that has to be banged out and replacement of the rim that was damaged.

The rim alone costs 400....

The paint is Satin White Pearl, and from what I'm being told it's not an easy paint to spray along with the fact that they have to mix 2 different patches, one for the metal panel and one for the plastic bumper.

So basically I got screwed! The guys I talked to today said I could get the costs down if I did a lot of the prep work myself but I simply don't have the time with being a full time college student again taking 16 credit hours a semester.
I totally know the feeling, becausr I remember this happened to me too- the second year I had my 323i. I remember even parking far away from other cars and there being ample spaces in the lot.

but, some asshole still swiped my rear passenger door while backing out or pulling in. given all the available spaces- to this day- i have no idea why they were so fucking stupid. maybe it was deliberate because my car was new?

I ended up paying about a grand out-of-pocket having it fixed. And, salt on the wound was despite going to a highly reputable BMW authorized shop, the repair still came out looking kinda average & not 100% perfect. But, like they say- after your baby gets christened u start easing up on the sensitivity a bit. :(

Sux but hope u get it fixed ok.
Damn, that sucks :( the picture doesn't do the damage justice on my iPad. That's some damage you're talking about there. Hope you get it sorted soon and it doesn't cost too much.
well, I found out last night that the damage also tweaked my trunk as well and now my trunk doesn't want to close unless I slam it down.

That just really pisses me off as now I have to take it to an even more expensive place to get it fixed and who knows what other damage they will find.

looks like I'll be selling this car a lot sooner than I originally planned.
Yeah. I was just hoping to not have to have my car fixed after only owning it for 2.5 years.....

Yeah, I hear ya.

However, there *are* places that can make it right.
My three-month old Altima was backed into (standing still) a few years ago. Their insurance company wanted me to Bondo fill the rear quarter panel, where the damage was, and be done with it, for a couple thousand.
I found a *highly rated* collision shop on Kudzu. They wanted to cut out the entire quarter panel, weld on a new one, repaint, and do it all right. $7000. They even argued the case with the insurance company (the one at fault's company). Got it done. I even collected an additional $3000 clear in diminished value compensation, since it was a new car (that's another story).
The repair is spot on perfect. Never had an issue. Couldn't tell there was one.

Point being, you can get it done right, if you're willing to fight a bit, and do your homework.
Yeah, I hear ya.

However, there *are* places that can make it right.
My three-month old Altima was backed into (standing still) a few years ago. Their insurance company wanted me to Bondo fill the rear quarter panel, where the damage was, and be done with it, for a couple thousand.
I found a *highly rated* collision shop on Kudzu. They wanted to cut out the entire quarter panel, weld on a new one, repaint, and do it all right. $7000. They even argued the case with the insurance company (the one at fault's company). Got it done. I even collected an additional $3000 clear in diminished value compensation, since it was a new car (that's another story).
The repair is spot on perfect. Never had an issue. Couldn't tell there was one.

Point being, you can get it done right, if you're willing to fight a bit, and do your homework.

That's the major problem I'm running into now, not enough places that know what true quality work is....

I'm getting quite frustrated with this at this point. I'm going to end up spending a couple or more tanks of fuel just driving to place to have my car inspected by different shops.....
i hit a deer a month after buying my yards... had a friends dad do the body work he charged me $400 to fiberglass my bumper back, fix the hood and repaint everything.... the expensive part is the clear coat.... and factory match paint isnt cheap aether.

my girlfriends grandpa backed into my car and did what looks like happened to you a month after my friends dad fixed my car..... then 3 months later my best friend rear ended my yaris on his motorcycle..... and recently it looks like someone hit my driver side rear bumper section with a shopping cart....seems like my little black yaris is prone to scratches lol

remind me to keep any vehicle I ever own far from where yours is parked and you are not allowed to drive any of them.....

accidents seem to gravitate to you and things you drive. No thanks!
