Crashed my bike... (semi Bloody Pics inside)


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;) Mountain bike...

Not even on a dang trail! Kind of embarrassing how it all happened.

I got off work and the weather was super nice. My daughter and I decided to ride our bikes up to the park. Kind of a busy street so we rode up on the sidewalk. I went to drop off the sidewalk to cross the street and apparently was going too slow. (should have used the little cross section anyways)

My pedal was down (I know better than that)... It apparently caught the curb and the bike just catapulted me off over the handle bars. Happened so fast, didnt even know what was happening. Of course my arms went straight out my hands took the damage.

Nope, not wearing my gloves. "Im not riding fast or on the dirt trails, I wont crash just riding up to the park", I said to myself before we left. (Made my daughter wear all her gear though). At least I had my helmet on, even though I dont think I hit my head.

Bike didnt take any damage at all except for the pedal took a good gouge. I think when I flipped over the bars, the bike came with me and landed on me.

Happened right in front of a car too. (didnt stop at all or ask if I was ok. I was on the ground a few seconds as I just didnt know what happened yet.)

One of my daughters friends was walking by when it happened too haha. She ran up and said she saw me crash and asked if I was ok. Rode back to the house, cleaned up and went back out again. (With gloves on this time)




Worse part was picking out all the embedded dirt and crap.

Anyways... Moral of the story. Wear your gear. Think about the damage the asphalt would have done on a motorcycle moving at 60+ mph. Hell, even 20 mph....Any speed. Bare skin does not like the road, at any speed. :thumbup:


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Well...glad you weren't hurt badly. Everything else can fixed or replaced. Murphy's law can be a ***** but it's also a good teacher. Stay safe and keep the rubber side down.
Well...glad you weren't hurt badly. Everything else can fixed or replaced. Murphy's law can be a ***** but it's also a good teacher. Stay safe and keep the rubber side down.

It was a good lesson for my daughter, that is for sure. :D Told her this is why you wear your helmet and gloves, etc. Even if just going around the parking lot. Never know when a crash can happen.

One of the biggest things with motorcycle riders as well. You will here it time and time again. "just running up to the store, I'm fine in flip flops and shorts". :eek:
Yep, it happens quick and when you don't expect it. We will all make mistakes on our long as we learn from them (hopefully have that opportunity) and don't repeat them.....that's the goal.
Whoa, glad that you're okay. When I first read the title, I thought that you were talking about your motorcycle. That would be bad. It was a great lesson for sure. Sucks that you had to be the visual aid though.

Yup. Stings a bit, but by no means too bad. Mainly just using it as an example of what asphalt can do even when you are barely moving. ;) My gloves would have stopped that from happening at all.
yes, you are a good dad for physically showing daughter why to wear all her gear... you told her it was on purpose, right? :cool:
yes, you are a good dad for physically showing daughter why to wear all her gear... you told her it was on purpose, right? :cool:

Yep, that's ol Jay. Leading by example. Glad your not injured too bad Jay. I have to tell you I laughed when I read the part where you said"I don't think I hit my head" How many fingers am I holding up Jay? :confused:
Good to see you are a loving "crash test dad" for your daughter!

Bad luck on the spill, ATGATT for sure like you said how much damage is done at low speed.
I learnt this lesson from 20+ years of skateboarding & am ATGATT on my moto, bicycle, skateboard -heck everything!
It is good to have fun & push your own limits but you dont want to pay for it with permanent injuries

Sent from my LT18i using Tapatalk 2
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Glad it was you and not her!

I was on a bicycle ride 25 years ago when I went around a corner too fast (over 20 mph), caught gravel and high-sided. It's amazing how far you can slide on pavement from relatively low speeds! I ended up w/ a major case of road-rash on most of my right side.

Don't want to think about the consequences of going down on a motorcyle w/o gear.

Thanks for sharing J. We need the reminders and it's nice to learn from minor incidents instead of major ones.
