x-men origins/fast and furious



ok so i dowloaded the bootlegged version(shhh dont tell) of the new x-men movie and i was severly dissappointed. this movie was garbage. not because the movie wasent finished and some editing still needed to be finished..the movie just flat out sucked. the acting was bad and there is way more talking then action.

dont go see the movie if your expecting to see all the origionl characters because there arent any. this movie focuses solely on the life of wolverine and is brother victor and nobody else.
you see professor X for maybe a minute the whole movie.
my opinion dont waste your money at the theaters.

and as for fast and furious one thing you must know is that this movie is takeing place before toyko drift. for those of you who saw toyko drift and witnessed Han die in that car crash...well he is back.
the movie its self wasent as bad as the critics say and i definitly enjoyed watching it.
the cars were pretty sick even tho there wsent much variety.
At one point in the movie brian is asked what car he wants to use to race, he picks 3 different skylines but only drives the one blue one from the commercial.
The acting is decent and yes there are still some corney lines that were thrown in there.

all in all id say see fast and furious no doubt especially if you have seen the other 3. because if you dont see this one you wont understand the next one(hint hint)


I saw Fast & Furious last weekend and loved it! Yes, there are a couple of things you will have to try and ignore, but all in all a good movie. It made me want to drive fast lol :p

Haven't seen X-men so can't comment on that one.


X-men was meh.

Fast and furious was a good movie, Kept me entertained.


New Member
The first one is still my favorite, but now this 4th one is my second favorite.. The third one was a joke IMO...
