Turned my 6R into a dual sport today


New Member
I didn't have my head in the right place going into the turn. I'm a new rider and usually I use a mental checklist of what I've learned so far as I go into corners. After riding ~3.5 hours I had a mental lapse. My eyes weren't looking ahead enough and I took a bad line, and after I crossed the center line I target fixated on the shoulder. My body position was leaning to the right, but I was still pretty much on my seat and obviously that had an impact on my turn as well.
Whoops this answers my previous question. Glad you came out of it good.


New Member
How did this happen? I only ask because I am a newer rider myself
From the video it looks like a combination of things.

He cornered from the inside of the curve instead of the outside.

Body positioning may have been off, didn't lean into the curve or look through the curve.


The video scared me ****less, first when you went over the yellow and then again when you hit the terrain. BAH GAWD TEH BIKE GODS ARE WATCHING OVAH JAH!!!!!


Monster Member
Elite Member
