Resetting Computer for Aftermarker Exhaust?


New Member
A buddy of mine and I were talking about me getting the new Two Brothers Exhaust and possibly having to have the ECU Re-Mapped. He said that a mechanic friend of his said that on some motorcycles you can actually reset the ECU yourself and when it resets the ECU can pickup on most (if not all) of the new differences in the exhaust profile and adjust. Therefore, I would most likely not need to have it "professionally" re-mapped. Is there any stock in this info, as far as our bikes go?


Staff member
I'm not sure what my opinion is worth, but I unplugged the battery when I installed mine, essentially allowing the ECU to reset itself. I haven't had any troubles what-so-ever.


New Member
I checked the maintenance manual and there is nothing in there about reprogramming the ECU, so I suspect it's not possible without highly specialized equipment. Try calling your local Yamaha dealer. They will know if it's possible. My guess is you will need a juice box or power commander if you want to take full advantage of the horsepower potential of an aftermarket exhaust. It'll work without one, you just won't get the full performance gain.
