MSF Advanced RiderCourse, Atlanta area, Aug 27


New Member
August 27 (Friday), Alpharetta, GA (north Atlanta suburb), ADVANCED RIDER COURSE - SportBike TECHNIQUES. Facilitated by certified MSF RiderCoaches. ALL TYPES OF MOTORCYCLES ARE WELCOME. Use your own motorcycle for this one-day, very advanced course that explores risk management, rider behavior, threshold braking, body positioning, swerving. For more information go to Motorcycyle Training

I will be teaching this very advanced street riding course. We start out in the classroom discussing Riding Strategies, Risk Management, Decision Making, Rider Behavior and Choices. On the closed circuit range, we practice not only the different types of corners you are likely to encounter, but also some body positioning techniques and other strategies. We also have exercises focusing on threshold braking and several techniques for swerving. Eight different exercises in all. You get the advantage of having 2 very experienced RiderCoaches (who have gone through additional training in order to be certified to teach this class) with a maximum student to coach ratio of only 6 to 1. During the range exercises, we evaluate you and offer tips to make you a better street rider. This course is based on the Military SportBike Course and is open to all types of motorcycles and you bring and use your own motorcycle. It is not for novice riders or someone wanting to learn how to ride. Will you benefit from taking this class, well, that's up to you. Based on the feedback from the couple of advanced classes that I have done so far, chances are real good that you will. Hope to see your there.
