Movie Maker to Vimeo?


New Member
So I did some editing to a movie and made into a 3 minute short movie and opened a Vimeo account, got the code and sent the video. It took forever to send it, at least 6-7 hours, WTF? Now I go back and look, I have no idea were it has gone and what it did with my little 3 minute movie. Any ideas?


New Member
So do I have to leave my memory card plugged in the whole time or can I remove and erase it?


New Member
I upload it to PC from memory card, then upload to online site(s). Which allows me to remove the file from memory card and in turn the memory card from PC after it's copied over.
If uploading from the memory card itself to online site - then Yes the card MUST stay inserted into PC until upload complete. That could also explain the long upload times, uploading video from memory card will cause a bottleneck in PCs processing speeds and not utilize the full PC potential as the read/write speeds are severely limited.


New Member
That is one thing that pisses me off with this gopro, they don't really give you any directions on how to upload video and what the best software is. You basically have to fend for yourself.


New Member
Easiest software is Microsoft Movie Maker, does decent job and can get some minor effects in vids easily.
If you want more dramatic videos or add 2d source you will need something more powerful and costly. Like adobe premier pro or sony vegas.
I went w Sony Vegas, it is more complicated, but awesome help vids in program make it easier to learn.

Anyway your best method to upload, is to 'cut' the vid from memory card and 'Paste' it somewhere on you PC hard drive.
Then edit the file w/ whatever software and save the edited file into a different folder.
E.G. - My raw videos goto D:\Vlogs and edited vids are stored in D:\Vlogs\edited) Just in case you want to redo edits you will still have original.
Then upload edited video to online site.
