I'll share mine


New Member
This was back in 2007, I had a 2006 R6S and was riding with a group that I rode with weekly. Was cutting up some nice back roads when we all decided to stop and take a break. I was towards the front of the pack but we had all slowed down quite a bi. (read: everyone was there to see)

We all pulled over on this side road with a very sharp curve when you 1st turned onto it. You could see through the corner and it was a very desolate area. I was turning into the curve, 1st gear as the inside of the curve was like a gravel parking lot. I was going less than 10mph. For some reason I never put my foot down as I was coming to a stop, just sort of fell over on the bike. I caught it just before it hit and was able to slow it down. Didn't do any damage to the bike but it was quite embarrassing.
