Identity Theft!!!


New Member
I posted this on FZ6-Forum just because they have a more popular OT section but I thought I should share it here as well.

I dont know what to do this has been the worst luck I have had!!!

My grandpa (gp) calls me and this is how the conversation goes...
Me: Hey Grandpa
GP: Where are you
Me: At home, why?
GP: You got home fast
Me: What do you mean, I was just down the street
GP: If you call 200 miles down the steet
Me: What?
GP: I know everything
Me: About what?
GP: Your trip to Canada
Me: I didnt go to Canada
GP: I know everything Chris you attorney called me
Me: I dont have an attorney, and I havent been to Canada in over (3) years, and I have no idea what you are talking about.
GP: (My Grandma gets on the phone) Chris dont lie to me you called me this morning from the police station.
Me: WHAT??? I was at work this morning!
GP: (Grandma) You called this morning, I answered the phone and said hello, you said Hi Grandma its Chris and you told me you were in Canada on a fishing trip with Mark and Tom and you caught 4 fish last night and ate them for dinner and there was drinking and a car accident and you needed $5000 to get out of trouble!!
Me: Uhhhhh..??? WHAT?!?!!?? I have not been to Canada in over (3) years, I dont have any friends named Mark or Tom and there was no car accident, I have not been into any sort of trouble any time soon and I dont even own a fishing pole...
GP: So you dont know what we are talking about?
Me: No is this some kind of twised joke or something.
GP: I think we have been scammed
Me: What did you do?
GP: I sent a $5000 moneygram to Canada
Me: To who?
GP: To You!
GP: I need to call the police and money gram and hangs up...

He calls me back about a half hour later...

Money gram tells me a someone with a photo ID that said Chris Bzdel picked up the money gram at the Vancouver BC. Great so someone has an ID of me now...

Me and my grandparents had a good relationship and now they think I had something to do with this, because things like this dont normally happen. So they hate me now, they called up my parents and told them what happened and said they know I am involved some how.. I dont know how anyone could track me back to my grandparents, we have different last names even, no one I know knows my grandparents except for my soon to be wife, and I doubt she knows their last names even haha!

I just dont get it.. What do I do?? Someone has enough info on my to get my Grandpa to wire them $5000 almost immediately then have a photo ID to pick it up on the other end!!!!

Help :(


Staff member
Man, I saw this on the other forum and thought WTF?! I really don't have any usable advice, except to not back down from this. With as much hassle as it is to fix your credit, I would try to use any means possible to get to the bottom of it. There is an international fraud task force that might be able to help you out. I can't remember off-hand what the exact name was, but I bet you could find it in a google search.

I really hope things get worked out for you. I know that you are looking at buying a house and getting married soon. Just hang in there, Chris.


New Member
Couldn't they tell by the voice over the phone?
i rarely speak with my grandparents on the phone, plus my grandma is hard of hearing so when they said it was "chris" she agreed.. She did say it seemed off because she never heard me talk of the name of my so called fishing friends, and she never knew I liked fishing and most of all she didnt know i was going to be in Canada which she knows I would tell her.. There were so many things off in the suituation but because their grandson was in need they wanted to help him.. It was nice of them but they should of thought about things more...

"I" also told them not to tell my parents because I wanted to keep it quiet. I tell my parents everything and they know that, I have no reason to hide a car crash from them, I have had FAR worse things on my record!
