Bike/Handlebar Width


New Member
I'm trying to get a measurement of the widest point on the FZ6R. I have a storage area in my building's parking garage that I'd like to store my bike in (once I get it), and was wondering if it would clear the doorway.

Could someone do me a big favor and measure the widest point? I imagine that would be the handlebars, but wasn't sure if the turn signals were even further out.


RZ350 Rider

New Member
If you fold the mirrors in like the manual says for parking in confined spaces, the widest point is the blinkers, but I don't have a measurement for you right now as I'm at work. I will try to post it tonight, unless some other kind soul on this forum beats me too it.

RZ350 Rider



Handlebars look to be the widest part, at 29-30 inches.

The front blinkers look to be about 27 inches tip to tip.
