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  1. R

    Alignment of the Cosmos

    A couple weeks ago I did a bit of mental math and realized I had a once in a lifetime shot at mileage glory. I had to walk to work a few times in order to save mileage for this special occasion: I snapped that photo at 55 mph, 55,555 miles on the odo, at 5:55 PM, in 5th gear, and 5K rpm...
  2. R

    If it's stupid but it works, it ain't stupid.

    Hi guys. Been a couple years or so. Thought you'd like to see what recently happened to me and the R.M.S. Displacement. _______________________________________________________________ Sooo....somewhere between Dumas and Amarillo (Texas) my engine lost drive. As in, it lost 100% of drive...
  3. R

    Here for my yearly check-up

    Hi guys, just stopping in to say hello and say that the RMS Displacement is still out and about, tearing up the highway all over the states. She just ticked over 47,174 miles!
  4. R

    GoPro Ram Mount

    My buddy just forwarded me this. It's not his, probably from ADVRider or something. RamCam
  5. R

    Intimate Entomology at 80 mph

    I have relocated to Dallas from Seattle, and took advantage of my temporary retirement to spend just over a month tooling around the southwest US. It was an interesting adventure, being homeless and spending as little money as possible. I thought it would be nice to post some of the best pics...
