Search results

  1. TokenSSDD

    Upgrade advice

    This is the closest I've been to upgrading from the FZ6R. A couple of guys that live in my building ride for Derty Boyz and have been trying to get me to join. I wouldn't mind riding with them except they ride pretty fast and there's no way I can keep up (they all ride...
  2. TokenSSDD

    On the hot seat...

    I could use some advice. Since it's summer and we don't have a ton of cloud coverage where I'm at it's hot as all get out. I don't normally mind the heat but this is my first full summer with the bike and I'm noticing that the tank and the seat are ridiculously hot. The seat I can deal with...
  3. TokenSSDD

    2012 Panigale Giveaway

    Kneedraggers is having a giveaway for the Panigale with free gear. I considered not saying anything to increase my chances of winning but then I remembered I like you guys for the most part so I figured I would share the knowledge. Enter away! Motorcycle Parts, Gear & Accessories -...
  4. TokenSSDD

    Just saw The Avengers...

    Greatest. Movie. Ever. In all seriousness it was pretty awesome. It was very well done too. I'm not going to say much because I don't want to spoil it, but man... Pure awesome. And please stay after the credits. That is all...
  5. TokenSSDD

    Brake Questions...

    To those who have upgraded/replaced the master brake cylinder, how difficult is it? I found a used R6 unit on Craigslist that I think I'm going to give a shot. I think I'm also going to get the rearsets from the guy and try to shoehorn them on the bike...
  6. TokenSSDD

    This made my day today...

    ... Avengers Assemble!!! We recieved about 10 of these at work today. Let the jealousy commence! LOL JK... I don't want to be that guy...
  7. TokenSSDD

    2 near wrecks in 30 seconds...

    *Begin Rant* I swear people in this city can't drive... Here's the story: So I'm on my way home today doing about 50 down a road when I notice this lifted Titan pull out from a KFC and sit in the middle turn lane for a few seconds about a 1/4 mile ahead of me. I'm in the inner left hand lane...
  8. TokenSSDD

    The Hunger Games...

    Anyone here into it? Should I go see it? I haven't read the books but the way people are freaking out over the movie makes me think this is going to be like Twilight all over again... Opinions?
  9. TokenSSDD

    I can haz help???

    Help fixing crash damage... I'm trying to fix the last little bit of crash damage from going down last month. I removed the mirrors (they snapped in half) and replaced them with block off plates for the time being. I'm trying to fix what happened in case I decide to sell... eventually. However...
  10. TokenSSDD

    TokenSSDD Interview

    Been meaning to do this for awhile. Time to jump on the bandwagon! What do you do for a living? MSR at Community First Credit Union How long have you owned your FZ6R? 6 months maybe? What other modes of transport do you have? Mazda6 If you could have any bike what would it be...
  11. TokenSSDD

    Free Men's Health for Whoever's Interested...

    So I bought some ankle weights from Ross ($4.99, I freaking love that store!) and it came with a little paper for a free 12 month subscription. The only catch is that it's online, which doesn't bother me at all. I used it for both me (Men's Health and Runner's World) and my wife (Women's...
  12. TokenSSDD

    So I low-sided this morning...

    ... and let me tell you, it's no fun. I was going about 25 into a left turn and the back wheel slipped on me. I think I might have leaned into the turn too far because it's not a true 90 degree turn (it bends back a little more than normal). We had a really low fog this morning so I think the...
  13. TokenSSDD

    Rear Hugger Opinion

    So I need some advice. My Puig rear hugger should be here tonight and I'm trying to decide if I should paint it or not. I got the black one and thought about leaving it like that, but throughout my forum browsing I saw some painted ones (Cautious_Corner and FZRBlack for starters) and started to...
  14. TokenSSDD


    Is anyone on here a basketball fan? I need someone to complain to about the NBA...
  15. TokenSSDD

    Almost traded my marriage for a 636...

    Note: It's not really as bad as the title makes it sound... Last night on Craigslist I was perusing the ads (I'm trying to sell my Integra and was pricing out the competition) when I saw an ad for a '03 Kawasaki 636. Granted, I typed in "Integra" as my search word so I was a little suprised...
  16. TokenSSDD

    Bike Week 2012

    I know this might be kind of early but is anyone planning on going to Bike Fest in Daytona. I know there was big gathering during Biketoberfest but I missed it because of work. I already put in for that weekend off so this time I'M GOING DANG IT!!! LOL. Anyone else? I'll probably ride down with...
  17. TokenSSDD

    Flush signals + LEDs = Win?

    Thanks to JonKerr and Diluted, from both whom I stole this idea. I bought some Hotbodies smoke Flush Mounts (I kinda wish I would've gotten the blue ones, but oh well), wired them up and wired in some LEDs under the headlight to function as turn signals in order to help with visibility. I wanted...
  18. TokenSSDD

    So I went to take the cover off of the bike this morning...

    And it started squirming once it hit the ground. Turns out a cat had perched under it to keep dry. I've never had that happen before lol. I felt bad for the little guy.
  19. TokenSSDD

    Car tire on a motorcycle...?

    My sister's piano teacher came into where I work today and we got to talking about riding (he has a cruiser). He told me he managed to put a car tire on the back of his bike and it improved his handling considerably. He also said it wears out A LOT slower than your standard bike tire, which I...
  20. TokenSSDD

    New help with Unidentified Tubular Object

    Hey guys this has been bothering me for the last few days and I can't seem to find an answer in MOM. Can anyone help me with identifying what these two tubes are? I'm kinda new to bikes and don't really have any idea what they are...
