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  1. B

    How much did you pay for your FZ6R?

    U should try to refinance ur loan,if is a yamaha bank they could give better rates just try to make ur payments on time ! I send my payments about a week before the due date i got mine finance charge at 6.99 for 36 months at the end im just paying 600 dollars in interest!!
  2. B

    How much did you pay for your FZ6R?

    Fz6r 2009 I paid only 4450+ doc and fees 7060 otd!!!:D
  3. B

    Oi tudo bem? Poxa nao acredito q achei um brasileiro q tem uma fz6r no brasil!comprei a minha fz...

    Oi tudo bem? Poxa nao acredito q achei um brasileiro q tem uma fz6r no brasil!comprei a minha fz tem um mes e paguei bem barato 4450+tax and fees ficou 7 mil out the door!! Quanto vc pagou na sua??
