Recent content by Ryan85

  1. R

    Indiana Forum member's group ride/meet n greet Saturday May 18th

    I'm officially out for May 18th. I have to go to a wedding in Tennessee.
  2. R

    Indiana Forum member's group ride/meet n greet Saturday May 18th

    I can't completely commit since it's a few weeks away, but I would be interested in participating.
  3. R

    Ran into MTV's Gary Shirley from "Teen Mom"

    Not only am I ashamed to admit I've heard of this guy (because of my girlfriend at the time), but I've also seen him at the Wal-Mart in Anderson.
  4. R

    What's your..?

    I'm at 2.5 years and 15K miles. 5K of those are on the FZ6R, but I should be able to rack up another 600 miles this weekend on my riding trip with my family.
  5. R

    How much do you pay for Insurance?

    Right now, I live in a town of 975 people that's surrounded by cornfields, but I'm getting married in October and moving to Indianapolis, so I'm curious as to what my insurance will be after that. Hopefully, it will even out with the marriage and renter's insurance discounts.
  6. R

    How much do you pay for Insurance?

    I've only had one accident, and it was in my car when I was 17. I've never been pulled over in the car or on the bike (knock on wood). It might help that my sister works for State Farm although I don't really think that matters too much with my rate. It was only $16 a month last year, but they...
  7. R

    How much do you pay for Insurance?

    I pay $18 a month...full coverage with State Farm. I'm 26, no MSF, and almost 3 years of riding experience.
  8. R

    Fog Ride

    I got caught in a dense fog once too. My ride to work is over an hour, but after about 15 minutes, my gloves were soaked from wiping the water off of my visor. I finally found out that if I just turned my head to the side, the water would run off of the visor on its own, and I could keep my...
  9. R

    beer anyone?

    I like most of the Leinenkugel varieties.
  10. R

    FS: 2009 Raven FZ6R 3,000 Miles $4,800

    I saw your bike was for sale awhile back, and I was quite envious of all of the mods, to be honest. I will have to let him know yours is for sale the next time I see him. The drive to PA wouldn't be an issue, if he was interested.
  11. R

    FS: 2009 Raven FZ6R 3,000 Miles $4,800

    I agree. My friend bought a Triumph Bonneville, but after he saw my FZ6R, he decided he'd rather have that, so he sold the Triumph and has been looking for the 6R. I keep looking at these "For Sale" posts to see what I can find for him too.
  12. R

    jspansel's P90X adventure/journal (Pics Added)

    I've tried the "Insanity" workout a couple of times. I guess it's kind of like P90X. I have to agree with you about not eating right before the workout....and another thing, don't drink apple juice right before either. I threw up pure apple juice after day two of Insanity. I was doing the...
  13. R

    Happy Thanksgiving

    I'll be walking across the street to my grandparent's house for dinner. We started a tradition a few years ago of having tacos for Thanksgiving because none of us like turkey. I'm looking forward to that and having a couple of days off of work.
  14. R

    Anybody have a Bell Vortex helmet?

    I also have the Vortex helmet. I would mostly agree with the above posts. The helmet has good ventilation, but like AngryAnt said, the helmet does fit very snug, compared to the HJC helmets (which I had before). I suppose you could get a different size cheek pad that Bell offers, if the shell...
  15. R

    What's your "other" hobby?

    I must admit that I like to bake also. If anything, my chocolate cake has helped me get on girlfriend's good side, when needed. My main passion other than motorcycles is definitely anything baseball related. I collect just about anything, but I get a set of baseball cards from my parents...
