Recent content by Auricom22

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    Rizoma Circuit 744's

    The rabbit ears are slowly driving me insane, looking to replace and came across these: anyone install rizomas on their ride and can comment on ease of install, product quality, etc?
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    Marthy's Airbox mod

    Drilled out the box yesterday and no issue with the revs. I like the growl when she's north of 5k. I can't wait to get the exhaust and pcv done after this season is out.
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    Michigan - Dark Horse Brewing Co.

    I'll be taking a ride to Dark Horse Brewing Co. over the holiday weekend for lunch. Anyone want to come along? Craft beers and cycles don't mix, yes, however I've found the ride to said breweries can be pretty sweet. And in lieu of the beer which, in the eternal quest to keep my ride...
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    Sena SMH10R Bluetooth Headset

    How did the road trip go? I'm curious how the 10R's functionality played out. Playing one-handed charades at highway speeds got old so I just installed the SMH10-11 in a Bell RS1 and aside from a few cases of E.S.O. have been very pleased. I had passed on the 10R because while the unit is...
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    WTS: KNOX Cold Killers mens pullover

    KNOX Cold Killers mens pullover, size small. Works great as a windbreaker/base layer for a mesh or perf. leather jacket. Worn all of twice before being given a cool-weather jacket as an early Christmas present. $70 and I'll pay for shipping. PM if interested.
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    Puma vs Alpinestar

    Caveat emptor. I picked up the S-MX1 from STG and loved 'em to death until recently. During the heatwave a few weeks back I went for an all-day ride. Well, apparently the poly used for the internal toe caps isn't temperature stable as both caps ended up warping inwards, pressing down on my...
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    A Local Testament to Helmets

    I regularly see two categories of idiots: 1) Idiots on cruisers wearing the boots and jacket, but no gloves or brain bucket. Good luck with that bandanna, chief. 2) Idiots on sportbikes wearing buckets, no boots, gloves or jacket (see these guys on Woodward ALL THE TIME). Had a chat with a...
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    Michigan Members

    Negative, Royal Oak on bike night has enough idiots dashing about without adding one more to the mix. :)
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    Michigan Members

    If anyone is in the Royal Oak area and notices a somewhat unguided human projectile on a black 6R with strobing proton flushies and a flashing motodynamic tail, that'd be me. The protons are fun. I've seen two RO cops thus far staring at me when I'm turning like they're thinking they ought...
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    How'd you dump/spill your bike?

    First time out on the bike, easy loop around the main road. Had pulled off on the shoulder as it ran really rough for a minute. Made sure everything was ok, walked her forward onto the hardtop and started to go...and as the bike (and I) promptly went horizontal realized I hadn't scooted far...
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    DMP tail and fender elim

    Man, peel the decal. Flat, unbroken white across the fairing would look even better. Jezebel came with a DMP (just discovered the brand) taillight and I was not a fan. However the AKO and Rumble Concepts versions were, as far as I could tell, no different. I was losing hope until I stumbled...
