Getting old... too fast


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Don't worry... I'm partially blind in my left eye... Never stopped me...

And my old mans just had similar issues to you too... (He's mid 40s) trip to the optometrist sorted him in minutes
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My vision was tested as perfect at 40, and I ended up getting glasses at 48. Not because I really needed them, but because my wife is an optician with her own eyewear business, so they were virtually free. I couldn't believe the difference. My eyes were not as good as I thought. It was like going from an old tube TV to a new HD TV. Now, I wear progressives all the time, except when I'm riding, swimming, playing hockey, etc. I don't think my vision has deteriorated much since I started wearing glasses, but now I notice it if I don't. It makes a big difference driving at night.
It gets worse. I'm 62 and have reading glasses all over the house, plus a pair in the two backpacks that I own.
One of my best investments in the past couple off years was the package of 8x magnifying glasses that I bought for $5 each on Amazon. I keep one at my desk and one in each backpack. I'm thinking about getting more.
your lucky, im 25 and have been wearing glasses for 8 years now. I mean, isn't bad at all
Dont worry Dart, you can always resort to military spec magnifcation goggles for riding.
On a funny note, I had to pull myself out of a car today, because I couldnt just stand up out of it, & Im only 37!

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Everyone in my family wore glasses by the time they were 16 except me. At 43 i finally had to get a pair, i started to notice that i could not read my monitor the later it got in the evening so i had to get some distance glasses, i dont "need" them any other time than reading my screeen at night but they sure do make things clearer the rest of the time :)
it sucks but the alternative isnt any better, especially if your riding good eyesight is always a plus
my wife has laser and it corrected her vision to perfect for almost 10 years but she is over 45 now and its starting to fade a little. From what i understand and i could be wrong while laser is great for fixing eye problems had most your life i dont think its very effective against old age.
Im 32 and my vision has gotten worse over the last couple years so I've had to go from not needing glasses to having to wear them at night to drive.

It happens.
I've been wearing glasses since I was 10...

Started using contacts 3 years ago. They make motorcycling so much better! I had a pair of glasses with magnetic sun shades for a while, but the magnet faded and once while adjusting them on the highway the wind caught them and off they went... Just wearing regular sunglasses is a great blessing!

Now I just have to figure out how to pay for Lasik, I would be the perfect candidate.

Of course, or unfortunately, I have also started to feel the ravages of time. My glasses have progressive lenses, because the strength I need to see far is too strong for my eyes to focus near... :rolleyes:

Lasik interested people should look up places in Malaysia or Thailand.
For 1/4 of the price you get a 5* holiday, transfers & procedure.

My wife treated herself to some new assets in February, for $5k including flights & 10 days in Bangkok. She can not reccomend it more, I cant say I oppose her at all;)

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