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I have one, but no vids yet lol, Plan to be buying a gopro here REAL soon though!

Got some old flying videos up about to do some more as summer comes along.

hey, I understand a lot of people on this forum and on the internet are really into motorcycle vlogging. Can someone explain to me why its interesting to them? To me it just seems like random chitter chatter. I don't mean to offend anyone, and I think its really cool, I just don't understand why random talking is exciting for some people. I thought about doing a little vlog myself, but I have to know what the big hype is about.

Yup, that's me! Just saw this thread and was gonna add me. Thanks for the love Jesse!

I tried the vlogging thing, didn't really like the way it came out. Rides are fine, but soon they all start looking the same. Being a teacher, I decided to do more how-to themed videos.

Makes sense. I may try one vlogging video just to see how I like it. Any topics you guys suggest?
