WoW-calling computer gamers

whats that??
Haven't played in a year, even though I have a free account (bro works @ Blizzard). My daughter still plays everyday though.
Me and a few friends about a year and a half ago and haven't looked back haha. We got so bored with doing the same raids over and over again, all of us were fully geared and just couldn't handle doing daily's andthe same stuff day in and out. Diablo 3 though!! ;)
I played WoW but its only fun for a little while, then pretty boring when you realize the Blizzard exec on your back holding a moldy carrot in front of your face.

Waiting on Diablo 3 as well. Been playing random other games with friends of mine lately, like Titan Quest, Starcraft 2 etc. I always wanted to try League of Legends out but I hear its so hardcore I'd hate to do it without people I know. Maybe just wait for Dota 2.
wow, im glad to see a few like minded fz6r riders that play some of same games i do. my wow character is a mage lvl 85 drakmas, send me a message and we can do raid or dungeons together..."not for the faint of heart"...:zombie:
You can use Real ID, where you use the name you log on to WoW with, which I think lets you talk to each other regardless of realm. Or you use your toons name, but then you have to be in the same realm. And right now I have 15 WoW toons ranging from lvl 35 to lvl 85 on 4 different realms. And I don't think I'm on any of the realms anyone else is on. I've been playing this dumb game for about 4 years now off and on, not much else to do when the area you live in is covered in ice and snow for over 5 months.
well im in borean tundra, thats what my guild is on, i play horde ATT. recently my authenticator stopped working and i have to send in drivers license to have my account unlocked. do you believe that they wanted my DL to unlock the account? it sucks.
Blizzard is a real pain in the ass sometimes. I have a free 30 day account I used to see if I wanted to play WoW that's over 4 years old. Last year some nerd hacked it and took one of the toons I made. Now for over a year I've been getting messages once or twice a week about selling accounts and how I'm violating the rules. I've sent probably 20 or 30 emails asking them to delete the account, and to end all the harassment I get from them. BUT because it was a free account they would rather keep sending me emails every week. Would make more sense to close the account then to waste manpower on BS.
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Tried WoW a couple times. Didn't really care for it much. Now I play City of Heroes. Been playing for 4-5 years. Also tried SWTOR, but it was too much like WoW, so stopped playing it too.
