Would a neck guard prevent this type of injury?

Back in October of 2013 I had a low slide at about 25mph. I fell on my shoulder and then laid flat on my back. My head went backwards and bumped to pavement, but it wasn't too violent of a smack. I have a about a quarter size scuff on my helmet.

Weeks later and still to this day I have severe pain in my neck if I try to turn it in certain directions.

Would a neck guard prevented this type of injury?

It didn't feel like I over extended my neck in anyway, so I'm a little shocked as to why I have so much pain.

Thanks in advance for comments!
hard to say about the neck guard thing.

if the pain can get that bad, have you tried a chiropractor or dr.?
Yes, I've been to the chiropractor and my neck was out of alignment as expected. I only had 3 or 4 appointments since the accident back then.

I'm scheduled to get an MRI tomorrow. I have no clue how my neck could be this bad from such an easy low side fall. I've fallen twice before at the same speeds in almost the same way going down and I never had this kind of injury.

By the way, I'm still young. My body should still be strong :).
Physics and angles.

Me and a girl went head to head in a soccer game and even though I gave her stitches...she gave me a concussion. I didn't realize how bad my neck was out until a year later I strained my mid back doing a 65lb power clean. I had to drop a course in university and register with the disability office.

3-4 appointments to the chiropractor isn't going to get your neck back into adjustment like it was before the accident. And did the chiropractor do x-rays before they treated you? They should have if they didn't.
X-Ray's were taken and the Dr. said they were fine.

I re-visited the same office last week and he scheduled me to have an MRI after I complained of pain. He believe's it could be nerve damage that is causing the pain.

I was told to schedule more adjustments for my neck once the MRI has been completed.
Yes, I've been to the chiropractor and my neck was out of alignment as expected. I only had 3 or 4 appointments since the accident back then.

I'm scheduled to get an MRI tomorrow. I have no clue how my neck could be this bad from such an easy low side fall. I've fallen twice before at the same speeds in almost the same way going down and I never had this kind of injury.

By the way, I'm still young. My body should still be strong :).

like Botty said, 2 people can have the same impact and one may get hurt more than the other.

since you fell before, maybe it wasn't that bad, but weakened that area until now you hit it again causing more damage. yes being young helps, however some areas can take more or less punishment
I would have your lower back checked for spinal compression as well. Its one of those things that can be often overlooked due to larger injuries, but can cause all sorts of problems. Its entirely possible when you lowsided and your your shoulder hit that the force of the impact caused a compression lower than your neck.

My ex once jumped off of a wall and though she hurt her foot (she did), but in the process also got a minor spinal compression that caused some nerve damage that eventually gave her Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy before they ever noticed it (thinking the damage must be in her foot).

Back and neck injuries are weird. Best of luck to you and I hope its nothing that cant be fixed.
I didn't even think of the lower back. I'll mention that next time I go in.

If it counts, I wear a Dainese Wave G Back Protector in my jacket. It's been very reliable in both falls.

Thank you and I appreciate the help!
I have that same back protector! I am glad to hear it has served you well.

Sadly a compression would have been from impact vertically along your spine, which neither the back nor neck protector would have helped against, BUT its hard to say it was even a possibility without knowing how and where you hit. Spinal compression in a low side I would expect to see hip and foot injuries before shoulder, but who knows. Angles and physics are a ***** like that, so its worth checking out.

A few months back I crashed my rally car during a stage rally event (sanctioned)- maybe 80 mph or so, ended up sticking the driver front fender into a 2 foot deep drainage ditch at about a 45 degree angle. My navigator (opposite side of the car) walked away with a few bruises from the harness straps, I got a concussion and a minor compression. I was checked out by EMT's + Dr. and went home sore, but okay. Car sadly was totaled and we were DNF for the event. But it's amazing the difference being 2 feet to the left was all things considered.
X-Ray's were taken and the Dr. said they were fine.

I re-visited the same office last week and he scheduled me to have an MRI after I complained of pain. He believe's it could be nerve damage that is causing the pain.

I was told to schedule more adjustments for my neck once the MRI has been completed.

I would reccomend seeing an Osteopath before a Chiropractor.
A good Osteopath will treat your entire nervous & muscular system, whilst Chiro's only focus on shocking the joints into a reactionary reposition, which relies on the muscles being the correct length & position.
If you have had a soft tissue injury or incorrect posture for a while your muscles will have atrophied (shrunk/ reduced/ overextended/ or contracted & set in position) to suit.

The MRI is a good start for sure.
Dont believe every word every Dr/ specialist says.
At the end of the day they are only specialist in their own field & most have a God complex, so get multiple opinions (just likes quotes on work to your bike or house)

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Hopefully its one of those injuries that'll disappear when you wake up one day and will never come back. I found shoving my head back into the pillow as if to lift up the body is a good exercise for the neck and back area, if it helps.
I just got back from the doctor. I had decompression on my neck and stim. I am scheduled for a few weeks of that coupled with chiropractic adjustments. I was informed that my neck has a "bulging disc". The doctor couldn't determine if it was from the motorcycle accident or not. I saw the MRI pictures and it's really obvious.

The good news is, if decompression works as it's supposed to, the doctor thinks I should respond well to the healing.

I feel pretty good after my first physical appointment.
Update: I've been continuously seeing the doctor for my minor neck injury. I seem to responding quite nicely and I'm feeling pretty well.

I'm not done with the doctor visits though. I think I still have a few more months to go. I need to be more consistent with my visits :).
