Where do other Giants find gear?


New Member
I'm 6' 9" - 200lb.

Any other giants have any leads on good gear for us, that isn't sized for the morbidly obese?

Just because Im 6' 9" doesn't mean I have a 48" waist, stupid standardized sizes. :mad:
i honestly have no idea, but if i was almost 7 feet tall and 200 lbs, i would of taken up sewing a loooooooong time ago. :eek:

gl in your search. :)
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some thoughts

Contact the folks at New Enough and ask for advice..

Many gear makers have talls in their size range. More body length and sleeves.

Register on ADVrider.com. Their used gear section always has jackets etc. for tall and big riders.

Find out if any of your local dealers have talls on hand, so you can determine your correct size. Good luck..
Thanks for all the advice guys, I Emailed Shaq's fan site but no reply yet :(
Get football pants with the knee pads. Get a hockey chest protector with shoulder guards. Elbow pads are easy to find. You will look goofy but be protected lol
Standardized sizes are tough... but, quite a few of the manufacturers are beginning to take note.

If you check the sizing charts, *some* of the vendors are offering short and tall iterations for standard sizes in both jackets and pants (so you could do a "large-tall," without having to go to a 3XL). It's not perfect, but they're beginning to get there.

I have the same problem, but in reverse. I'm only 5'9", but I have a 44" chest, and a 34" waist... Try getting into the European offerings with those dimensions... However, I *am* beginning to find more and more offering the short versions of large sizes. There's hope yet...
I'm 6 foot exactly and scrawny as anything so I had to buy my race suit in a taller mens size and get it tailored to fit. In fact most of my gear is mens! Lucky I know a guy who does repairs and alterations really cheap..

Don't get me started on the lack of womens gear for tall 'slender' individuals... :banghead:
^ u can get custom made gear, tho it's slightly pricier. For example, Pilot, Z Leathers etc. in So Cali are both highly reputable, highest quality motorcycle leather shops.

Be weary of every day dry-cleaning leather "alteration" shops. Motorcycle gear is "technical safety equipment," and not any mom & pop shop is qualified to fix or alter it. If ur neighborhood dry cleaner says they will do it without even blinking, then I'd be very worried. (Good shops always say no, because they understand that u can later on sue their asses for a bad alteration if u get hurt in a crash.)

Make sure to only go to a shop that warranties its work and that specializes in motorcycle leather gear. They have experience with crash tested leathers & know what they are doing and will tell u if something is repair worthy or alteration worthy.



^^ this is fantastic advice. I've seen too many people come unstuck and suffered for it by trying to save a few dollars.

We have a great guy at the track who specialises in motorcycle leather repair. He has done such a good job on all of my gear. Can't imagine racing in anything else! Got to love the mates rates too :p

You know what they say about tall girls...........Long legs! LOL!!! I don't know why I thought it was funny. Guess I am just really tired.

Hahaha! Don't know why I only just saw this now.... I must say it is one of the only benefits of being tall! I've been told I make the FZ6R look small, which is kinda sad lol. I envy those tiny girls who look hot as on bikes :(
