What is your favorite piece of gear?


New Member
Stolen from another thread, and was interested in what people thought.
My favorite piece of gear is my jacket, it's the 2nd thing that people notice, aside from the helmet that you're carrying around.

I had no idea why a guy was staring at me from far away until I noticed he was wearing an alpines star leather.
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I have three favorites since going down and riding the asphalt slide last week.

1. Tourmaster Pivot 3 jacket: torn sleeve
2. Tourmaster Venture pants: needs a patch on the hip
3. T-Rex frame sliders: wasted

me: no damage
bike: $2800 estimate primarily to replace plastic (the slider saved the panel so I'll have the scratches air-brushed) and gas tank (handlebar bent and dented it).

Can't say enough about having the right equipment.....

