What did you do to your bike today?

Man, all the mods and little things just add up and on. Seems like a never ending project lol.

Replaced my clear MD Taillight with a smoked one, installed flush mounted turn signals finally. Still waiting on my ELFR Flasher Relay to get them all slowed down, but it should be here on Monday.

Also, 4k miles? Man, that's amazing.. I bet your having a blast!
Not today-- but wednesday I got my first service done then melted sitting in rush hour traffic on the way back at 95 degrees here in sunny ATL :) yesterday picked up some flush mount turn signals and am looking into shorty levers and clip ons :)

Last weekend we went to Barber Motorsports Park in Alabama and watched MotoAmerica racing. Also blistering hot but well worth the heat!
Needed a new chain at 16000 miles, so had a bit of fun with it and ordered an orange one. Goes pretty well with the orange stripe in the wheel. Put new sprockets on, too, even though the old ones looked pretty good. The ones we ordered we thought were the exact same as on the bike, but obviously not. The rear sprocket is heavier than the old one. What do you think - since the old one is in good shape, should I have kept it on? And no, I did not do this myself. My husband dearest loves to tinker, and who am I to take away his pleasure ;)


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And that's what my butt almost look like LOL

Try one of these:
[ame]http://smile.amazon.com/Airhawk-Medium-Cruiser-Pad-AH2MED/dp/B0045WBVUM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1434891715&sr=8-1&keywords=airhawk+2+medium&pebp=1434891763236&perid=1DD8Z1Q0TWPA4ZZMFX5B[/ame] Airhawk 2 Seat Cushion

Great to put on for longer rides, easy to take off when not needed. Helps my back, too.

In case you are looking for relief, quite possibly your iron butt needs no assistance :D
Needed a new chain at 16000 miles, so had a bit of fun with it and ordered an orange one. Goes pretty well with the orange stripe in the wheel. Put new sprockets on, too, even though the old ones looked pretty good. The ones we ordered we thought were the exact same as on the bike, but obviously not. The rear sprocket is heavier than the old one. What do you think - since the old one is in good shape, should I have kept it on? And no, I did not do this myself. My husband dearest loves to tinker, and who am I to take away his pleasure ;)

An orange chain is smart because you can't see the rust on it!

I think replacing sprockets is personal preference. Some people think it's cheap enough that you mind as well replace it. Some think that if it's in good shape, it shouldn't harm the new chain. I think it's all a wash either way you go.
Synced my throttle bodies using the Carbtune Pro (thanks Fastprof for the how to back in 2009!).

My 2013 with just over 5k wasn't idling quite as smooth as it used to and it seemed to have become "buzzier" when accelerating. I purchased the Carbtune Pro and had at it. The process was really pretty easy and made for a nice improvement. The idle smoothed back out and the buzziness went away. Even the ~6k rpm buzz that we all have was diminished quite a lot.

The Carbtune is a damn nice tool. I figure I roughly broke even buying the gauge and doing it myself compared to having the shop do it. Now each time I do it it'll be paying me back. Glad I did this!

Only problem was that it didn't come with the right fittings to use on our bikes. No biggie, just had to run to the auto parts store for some male-to-male vacuum line fittings which were only a few bucks.
Not actually today, but...
I have an exit on the highway on my way home that I take, just to take the exit. I immediately get back on the highway again. I do this in order to get at least one great curve into my commute... :) And I can practice cornering.
I don't try to get through it as fast as I can (there being a stop in the end and all) but I am trying to make it feel as solid and smooth as possible. Getting around it faster is just a byproduct. I usually glance at my speed right when it starts to straighten out again and I need to start braking. I compare the speed and the feel I had going through it - did I feel wobbly/stable, was my line good/poor - how did that relate to the speed.
When I started doing this a couple of years back, I was at ~40 mph at the straightening point. Well, on Thursday I went through it and felt really good - my posture was relaxed, left elbow resting on the tank, eyes looking to the right of my right hand side mirror. Bike was rock solid. Felt like I could have gone faster and been OK. I looked down to check my speed when straightening up and for the first time ever it was 50 mph. I love this bike!


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Nice Maadi! I only have one truly excellent curve close to my home, the kind where you can really hang off and let 'er rip. Some days I'm better than other days but I know the feeling of really nailing it! When you get your line and body position just perfect, and consequently, your exit speed is the highest you've done yet. Smooth truly does equal fast.
First oil change @ 1088 km

hi guys, just did my first oil change and the oil filter was such as task to take out. Just removed the 2 screws for cowling A as per manual and was able to drain and access filter.I found that the drain plug did not have a gasket. I used the Yamaha oil kit which had a gasket included.
Will be purchasing the KN filter for the next change.

Good evening and have a good week.
I don't know Marthy. For one thing, I see you had the 6R nicely rigged up for sport touring. Wouldn't you miss that? I don't think the FZ09 (that's your other bike, right?) would be as well suited. Unless that's just not something you're interested in any longer.

Also, we'd all hate to see you not frequent this forum as much!!!

My humble opinion, keep the Fizzer!
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LOL, Marthy went 5 Dr. At least he has good taste. Probably will get twice the MPG s of my WRX.

Good luck with that though, should be good to have. I'll be getting a truck after I enjoy enough time without a payment.
