What did you do to your bike today?

Hey Mate. Just want to let you know... Im in Brescia in Italy. I will be back on the 19th. The madness start tomorrow evening.


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That looks like a blast.

anyway for those of us that don't get to go to really awesome things like marthy.................


I put a new exhaust on my Ninja 1000 recently and what a major difference. I took off the pretty much straight pipe exhaust that was on it and changed it out for some R77 yoshi cans. It's such a better exhaust compared to what I had before. Also gives a much deeper tone to the exhaust note as well. I really like it over the Vance and Hines Urban brawlers I had on there the last year. It's also about half the volume of the V&Hs... I had tried it with the silencers in them but decided that I liked them without and took them out of the pipes seeing as with them it they were not much louder than the stock exhaust.

Don't be cheap and get tiny can exhausts, they just sound like garbage IMO.

The originals:

The V&H Urban Brawlers:

The new ones, Yoshi R77s:

Finished up my EndlessTL2 taillight mod. Still not happy with my new fe but the last one I built allowed my plate to get bent when riding two up (yes my spring is on 7, I'm 215, gf is 110, I just couldn't get the angle right and wanted it more flat)

Love the dual short carbon yoshis. How much did that run ya?

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It got them on sale for 715 or something like that shipped to me. not cheap but well worth it.

I wish yoshimura made a setup for my car....
Things didn't went very smooth but we had a good time. I had my first hangover for the past 15 years one morning... just to remember why I don't drink much anymore these days. Or maybe that was food poisoning from the few so little snack we had with all our 15 glass of wine or so. Will stick to beer from now on!

Those Yosh look much better! Never been a fan of those Pep Boy look alike slip-on. We need to meet one one day, we are way over due!

LOL, hangover... that had to suck. I haven't had one myself in a long time either, maybe like 5 years ago... got a little too much into things at a 4th of july party.

I hardly drink anymore though. occasionally here and there.

I like the idea of meeting up but right now I'm doing summer classes and they are 6 week courses so it's like taking 3 classes for every one class you take during the 6 week courses. I'm taking 4 classes this summer 2 each half semester. So yeah, I'm a little on the not available side of things right now. I haven't left the house in 2 weeks other than to get dinner and come home, that way I don't have to cook....
Changed the oil, I have 11000 miles on it now. This was my first time using synthetic oil. I noticed no difference at all, weird because other people seem to notice a big difference.
Yesterday we went for a short ride to warm up our chains for cleaning/lubing, it of course turned into a longer ride :D
After we got the chains done my husband decided to change the brake fluid in his gixxer, and I said: "Hmmm, I wonder if I should change mine...." Well we looked through the front reservoir sightglass, and didn't see anything but murky black... Then I wanted to figure out where the rear brake reservoir was and without really looking too well decided it must be somewhere under the seat. Took the seat off, realized there is no way I can get to anything like a brake fluid reservoir from there. Gave up, went to get the manual. OK, it's on the right side. Way faster! Proceeded to check the manual for instructions. Told me to have a licensed service technician replace the fluid..... It really was not that difficult, as long as you have that nifty tool (mightyvac) for it. The fluid in the gixxer was really dirty and I for some reason did not expect mine to be as bad... It was. Really nasty. Ugh. Anyway, now it's changed! And I learned another bike maintenance procedure. Yay!
rode it 50 miles to the dealership and had the 600 mile service done, cost was right about $180 but part of the deal when i bought it was that the first service was free so.....
Unfortunately I wrecked this morning. So I got to watch her slide down the freeway and into the back of the Camry in front of me. Total bummer.

Sent while running with scissors.
So I had my first accident this morning right after work. Literally went down 5 or 10 minutes after leaving. Was cruising in the center lane of the highway and switched to the fast lane as it merges with another freeway. I had two cars ahead of me with about 5 or 6 car lengths between me and the Camry in front of me. The next few seconds was a blur. I saw the camrys brake light and the gap closed super quick. Pulled in the clutch and had to lay into both brakes hard. That's when the front end locked up and slid out right. I wanna say I was doing 50 or so when I went down but it was a blur of rolling in the fast lane seeing the car behind me and seeing my bike slide into the Camry. Luckily my jacket and gloves did their job but I did wind up with some good road rash and a few stitches on my left arm. Right pinky is in a splint. Jacket is toast as well as the gloves. Bike slid so far it ate into the left engine cover. Leaked all over the place. Fairings,turn signal and mirror is shot. Road rash is killing more than anything and a bunch of swelling. Helmet didn't even touch the ground. A few pics.ImageUploadedByTapatalk1403044287.334136.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1403044307.930110.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1403044330.582365.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1403044348.126220.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1403044360.428410.jpg

Sent while running with scissors.
