Were you productive today?


Staff member
I sure as heck wasn't!!: :p

I played Rock Band all day instead of going to work! :rockon:

That is, until I locked myself out of the house when I went to check the mail. :banghead: I had to call a locksmith and pay $60 to get back in to continue playing Rock Band. :cool:
I sure as heck wasn't!!: :p

I played Rock Band all day instead of going to work! :rockon:

That is, until I locked myself out of the house when I went to check the mail. :banghead: I had to call a locksmith and pay $60 to get back in to continue playing Rock Band. :cool:
That's Hillarious!!! I did the same thing two week's ago......I asked my son to go start the truck because he's 9 and loves to do that.I locked the door and got in the truck and realized he had grabbed my spare key and not my key ring with the house key....:D
I work part time mon-wed sadly :(

but I dont do anything mon-wed besides work, then i get home and relax haha, thursday to sunday I am working my butt of doing yard work and working on restoring my 71 slug bug :)

Productive, no. Happy, yes. I may not have gottenas much done as I could have, but I also didn't add to my stress.

Hmmm, now I want to go home and bang out some GH tunes.
