Tribute to a lost friend



I just learned today that a good friend and colleague in California died on Christmas from injuries sustained in a head-on collision with another bike on Christmas Eve. He was riding in the hills around LA, and the other guy drifted over the line in a tight turn.

It's another reminder to all of us that we aren't in complete control of our destiny when we ride.

John P. left behind a wife and three children as well as hundreds of friends and colleagues who will miss him greatly. He was a tremendous man and an outstanding engineer. The aerospace industry will suffer for his absence. May God be with him and all of his family in these trying times.
Godspeed Rider.
Prayers for peace, understanding, and acceptance for the ones left behind.

The only good I can say that comes from a death of a fellow rider is the knowledge that just seconds before he was as happy and alive as he could possibley be.
I am sorry for your buddies loss,
My thoughts go to you and his family.
Im sorry about your loss. Hope all is well with his family.
May the twisty roads never end for you John P
I am extremely sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I know that no words can help to ease your, or his family's pain. All I can really say is that my thoughts and prayers are there for you and his family.
Sorry for to hear about your friend; thoughts go out to his family and friends. RIP rider.
Sorry to read of your loss of a good friend/

A sober reminder of the risk we all take and to stay away from that center line!
RIP John P. Very sad indeed, especially so right around the holidays.

Do you know which road he was on?
My thoughts go out to you and his family.
RIP John P.
So sorry to hear of your loss - my thoughts are with you and his family.
That sucks any time of year but even more so during the holiday season when friends and families get together to celebrate. My condolences to you and his family.

as wrightme mentioned, to go out riding is probably the best way to go. you are at the peak of your happiness level and riding epicly. he was a lucky man.....good family, good friends, and went out riding high.......i dont think it is possible to have a more complete and fulfilled existence than that.
