top speeds?


New Member
Just curious to know if anyone has posted top speeds over 200km/hr. I hit 186 and i'm not to sure if there is anything left in the throttle.
I've seen 208 on the speedo, but don't really know how accurate it is. I suppose I can assume I have seen 200km/h for sure in actual speed. Is your 186 on radar, or speedo?
not crazy enough to try it... if I wanted speeds that high I wouldn't have chosen this bike. Guess I am getting old, but I prefer to enjoy my ride and not worry who is going to pay for my funeral...
not crazy enough to try it... if I wanted speeds that high I wouldn't have chosen this bike. Guess I am getting old, but I prefer to enjoy my ride and not worry who is going to pay for my funeral...

Smartest thing I've ever read in a forum about speed.

Well put, sir.
to each there own, everyone has their own risk vs reward and own priorities, conditions are different for everyone, for me a 9 mile perfectly straight road with no vehicles in sight, yeah i am gonna wind it up at least once or twice in the life of the bike just to see what it will do.I firmly believe in racing on the track not the street, only issue hard to find spots other than drag strips that will let bikes even race.It is not something i would do on a daily basis, but it will happen.
I have to agree with scoobienorth here. Everyone has their own deal, and everyone has their own definition of reckless. My Father thinks we're all reckless just for getting on a bike. Some folks think recklessness kicks in at 100mph. Some think a capable rider should be allowed to do whatever they please. Who is more right? Nobody, that's who. Ride safe, and ride for yourself. Don't think you have to ride as slow or as fast as someone else thinks you should. Know your limits, and do what you have to do to get what you want out of riding, and if you push too hard, you've only yourself to blame for the consequences.
Oh - dude, totally. To say I haven't wound it out would be a lie. However, not everyone puts the thought and care into the 'where' that perhaps they should.

That's all. I mean, obviously the number one attraction to a bike is speed... well, top 3 anyway, depending on who you're talking to.
maybe i shouldnt be bragging about my top speed either, i was gonna go for some footage(if i ever wind it right out i am gonna film it, but with friends with radios so i can shoot for no traffic whatsoever) as there are lots of new riders here, but i can say i nearly piled a car up at 200km/h, i went to pass 2 vehicles, the second vehicle shoulder checked and checked mirrors then pulled out, in the length of time it took them to pull out i closed 200-300 meters, i went from barely been seen to less than 6"off there bumper and they were doing 130-140km/h and let me tell you when you looking at what you would prefer to hit, it should change your perception too.
Just wanted to point out that I saw a news article this morning stating that an Ontario man was convicted of speeding after bragging on a website. Make sure you point out that any illegal speeds you have achieved were not on public roads lest you wind up defending yourself in court. I should have mentioned in my earlier post that my 208km/h was not on a public road, it was on private property.
Just wanted to point out that I saw a news article this morning stating that an Ontario man was convicted of speeding after bragging on a website. Make sure you point out that any illegal speeds you have achieved were not on public roads lest you wind up defending yourself in court. I should have mentioned in my earlier post that my 208km/h was not on a public road, it was on private property.

HAHAHA I SAW THAT TOO! Stupid kid... here's the link....

Speeding boast online costs 19-year-old his licence -

He was convicted for speeding because he was bragging about it???
Even if it is true, where is the proof?
Another question, what do the cops do, watch internet chat rooms and issue citations?
There's an easy quota.

This is disturbing and when did this sort of thing be allowed to happen? Especially in Canada? I love it there.

I'm not afraid; confession time: I speed every time I get on the on-ramp to a freeway. Go ahead, bust me for saying that.:Flip:

My bike has a top speed of 2 parsecs better than the Millenium Falcon and I've done it on public roads.

Not sure about you, but if I am going to be accused for speeding, I want hard, factual proof.
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