tires and speed??

If you're commutting in them, it's gonna get expensive running track tires...

I highly recommend trying the pirelli angel GT, they seemed to be the best of both worlds, right up until they needed changing, you should be able to get double the life out of them vs. the pp3, yet have 90% the same feel on grip/accel/braking... We had guys with gsxr1000 and R1s running them and loved them. I also never noticed the flat spot on them as bad as my pr2.

I got 8-10k miles out of them, but when they are done, they are done (no indication that they were ready, they just went out, but, we also think we may have had a bad batch, as the time before that people were getting 10-12k out of them). Most people I know that run the pp3 only get 3-4k miles out of them.
Agree... and fixed: New upgraded tires Angels GT
Thanks Dart
I'll keep this in mind for future

If you're commutting in them, it's gonna get expensive running track tires...

I highly recommend trying the pirelli angel ST, they seemed to be the best of both worlds, right up until they needed changing, you should be able to get double the life out of them vs. the pp3, yet have 90% the same feel on grip/accel/braking... We had guys with gsxr1000 and R1s running them and loved them. I also never noticed the flat spot on them as bad as my pr2.

I got 8-10k miles out of them, but when they are done, they are done (no indication that they were ready, they just went out, but, we also think we may have had a bad batch, as the time before that people were getting 10-12k out of them). Most people I know that run the pp3 only get 3-4k miles out of them.
No I wasn't aware of AMA but will look into it
I"m trying not to buy a trailer as I'm trying to get things lined up to move overseas. Shipping 2 motorcycles is going to be expensive :eek:
Thanks for the info!!

Do you subscribe to AMA?
You could get free roadside service (towing to nearest shop) covering your bike and your cars, no need for AAA. (AAA makes you subscribe to the RV plan to cover your bike). You then also get 10% off orders at, and now also I believe it is 15% off of Racetech orders by phone! :)

Though I do understand the transport thing... I got myself a 5x8 utility trailer this spring for towing the bike when needed and other stuff!
What kind of mileage are you getting out of the PR3's? I guess from the other posts I should have gotten a different tire for commuting since I don't do track riding.
BTW I never get tired of riding.....I went to Memphis/Mississippi+ 3 times in 4 days this weekend LOL

Ouch!! I feel your pain! I commute an hour each way also! Sucks... Kinda takes the desire for weekend fun runs away.. I make myself go for little spins on Saturday or Sunday mornings, but with soo much time spend commuting, need my weekends for other things around the house and errands.

You really dont want to keep the orig. tire as a spare. It is not good to use new and old of same tire because the profiles will have begun to change (flatten) and turning charachteristics will be different, but it can be done. They say that using two different tires though is a bad idea because of the thread and overall profile being different. I have read that that can actually be considered a safety issue.

I noticed acceleration improvement in my new PR3s vs stock BT021s. I know getting going from stop or accelerating, it does seem like it is the compound causing less slipping of the tire maybe as my tire doesnt spin as much now when I do accelerate hard.
Jon and others
Thanks so much for all the advice
For now I'll enjoy the tires and will definently refer back here in a few 1000 miles LOL

You picked a great tire. But I agree with most of the guys that 200 miles of slab commuting a day is going to kill those Pilot Powers. They're a good street tire. But not a commuter. I think that much slab is going to kill them. Q2's that I run are about the same category of tire. And I only get about 3500 miles of hard canyon riding and maybe a handful, maybe 200-300 miles of that is slab commuting out of them. I only ride to work once or twice a month at most. I used a set of Q2's that were close to done on the edges after about 3000 miles of canyons on a 1500 mile ride last summer. By the time I got home, the centers were completely flat. Have fun on the PP3's while you have them, but don't be surprised when after a month of that kind of slabbing nets you a 3" wide flat ring around the middle of the tire. For your kind of riding a true sport touring tire is what you really need. Tires like these would be a good option.

Dunlop Roadsmart II

Pirelli Angel GT

Michelin Pilot Road 2

Bridgestone Bt023

I used the 023's for a while when I was commuting every day about 3 years ago. Great for touring and commuting. Was getting a ton of miles on them. But I had some issues when I would ride aggressively in the canyons. They're not made for that but it doesn't sound like you really ever do that type of riding so you should be fine.

One thing to keep in mind is that OEM spec tires like the BT021's that you got and I got on my bike are different than the 021's that you'd get if you bought them aftermarket. Much harder compounds, and just cheaper all around.
I've got about 1000 miles on my rear PP3, and about 1500 on my power 2ct on the front. I commute 30 miles one way into work everyday, and about 1/4 of my trip is corners and the other 3/4 is straight away. They've both been great tires so far. I haven't noticed any flat spot yet on my rear tire. The front hasn't started "cupping" either. I had a full set of Power 2ct's on before that, and I got about 9500 miles out of them before I switched to these 2 tires. I've got a set of Diablo Rosso's sitting in my garage at home too. Waiting for less of a commute before I throw those on because they're only a single compound vs the pp3 which are a dual compound.

I've got a set of Diablo Rosso's sitting in my garage at home too. Waiting for less of a commute before I throw those on because they're only a single compound vs the pp3 which are a dual compound.

I think you will love the Diablo Rosso. I have the Diablo Rosso II on my CBR and I absolutely love them. It was like riding a new bike when I first put the Rosso II on. Talk about sticky tires, indeed they are. Got 6k on them and they are still going strong. I rides stickly on the hills and all back roads.

Been thinking about putting Pilot Road 3s on FZ6R. I have Pilot Power Pure on her right now and it has been good. The factory tires on her was Dunlop Sportmaxx and NOT favorite of mine. I changed them to Pilot Power Pure around 700 miles and she is at 4000 now.

