Thoughts on icon?

Striker 815

New Member
Ive heard lots of good and bad icon reviews online. I would like to know your guys thoughts? And also share mine.

Is Icon gear made to look flashy and cool? I think so.
Will it protect me in a fall? Sometimes I wonder...

Seeing as I have just gotten into motorbikes last spring I was in need for some gear. I decided on the Icon Alliance helmet. Which for a fairly cheap helmet it has done awesome.

Next was my jacket, The Mesh Hooligan model. This is a very lightweight jacket, and even with the "armour" I don't feel this would do much in a fall. The "fighter mesh" (as Icon calls it) easily snags, and threads get pulled.

These are the only products I have actually riddin with. Over the winter I have purchased a pair of Icon Compound mesh overpants. Which look extremely promising. They appear to be built very well, and not only do they fit good and look good, I would trust these in a fall. They are mainly leather (very heavy leather) with mesh around the inside of the crotch.

Last but not least I got a pair of Icon gloves- I already had a nice pair of gloves but it was a good sale and I couldn't pass them up :p I will have to see how they hold up.

Overall I am pleased with the Icon gear that I have. The quality could be better on some of there products, but you always get what you pay for.

So now is the question, How has Icon treated everyone else on here??
Icon Contra jacket. Been using for 2 years now without a problem. Meets all CE Armour standards. I'm happy with it.

Icon PDX waterproof jacket. Definitely waterproof (the zip pockets are not) nad looks good. Also lasted me 2 years so far and no signs of wear.

Icon Patrol waterproof gloves. Lasted through a hard winter last year but they need replacing now.

I use the gloves to play fight with my dog - so he chews them a lot but they're still looking pretty good. They're no longer waterproof but we had very bad weather in winter.

I'd rate their gear 8/10, however I'd only use them for jackets.

Boots = Alpinestars or Sidi
Gloves = Knox or Alpinestars
Helmets = HJC, Arai or Shoei
Jackets = Icon or Alpinestars
Pants = Alpinestars or RST

I've had no bad experiences with their gear yet.
Icon is decent for the price. I bought the Compound leather jacket and the Variant helmet last season.

The jacket is really nice. It's warm with the liner in and breathes really well with it out. The only problem I've had with it is the collar rubs your neck and it gets annoying. I fixed this by just wearing a shirt that with a collar.

The helmet is awesome. It just looks good and is really well made. Never had a problem with this helmet. I have my sena bluetooth installed in and it sounds great.

Overall you get what you pay for. For me Icon is perfect because it does the job for a guy with a budget.
I wear Icon armour because not a lot of other companies make a similar product. On hot days just farting around I wear the Stryker upper body rig with spine protector, chest plate, and shoulder and elbow armour all mounted on a spandex kind of shirt and just throw a motocross jersey over it. If I'm going for a serious ride I detach the spine protector and wear it under my leather jacket. I find the gear is a bit cheap but not dodgy or anything. It's not Arlen Ness or Dianese, but it's not dangerous.

I have Icon riding jeans too, but I armour up under them. The rest of my outer stuff isn't Icon. I have an HJC helmet, 2 Shift jackets (leather and textile) and Puma boots. I can't remember what brand my gloves are but they're just run of the mill leather with plastic armour on the back. They are super-comfortable.

What I did (and this only works with decent quality leather) is rode in them for a couple of weeks to soften them up, then soaked them in water for 5 minutes and went for a long ride on a really hot day. It took me a while to wash the dye off my hands but my gloves are perfect.
I started off w/ full ICON gear (minus a helmet).
I originally ordered a full 'Overlord' set in white, leather jacket, leather gloves and textile overpants... the only thing left from that original purchase are the Gloves.

The overlord jacket got a broken zipper in a very short time, which was replaced under warranty and had exact same issue in a similar short period. (during this issue, I found not 1 seamstress that was willing to take on liability of 'fixing/replacing' a motorcycle jacket main zipper).
I returned it for a full refund (thanks to RevZilla for their awesome customer service!!)
I replaced this w/ a Dainese jacket and can't recommend this company enough!!!!!

The overpants just never fit, and I went 1 size up and down from original purchase, nothing seemed to fit very well :( Costing me, damn near if not, their original price all over again in shipping fee's for returns/exchange.
I replaced these w Sedici full leather pants (which I didn't like wearing for short runs/errands)...
So, I ended up getting 1 more ICON piece of gear in 2013 and those are the Brawnson textile pants. Which for some reason (probably way their cut) fit perfect in the same size as original purchase of overlord pants.
**I only went back to ICON for these overpants, as they seem to be 1 of the few companies offering them.**

The gloves are decent, but I'm also seeing issues w/ the stitching even though I never been down in them. The stitching issues are going to cause me to replace them this season. Also the velcro parts got ratted looking very quickly, but that probably just something all velcro does.

As you mentioned, there seems to be a lot of both kinds of reviews about ICON gear.
Which I believe shows inconsistency in their QC department/or lack of QC if pieces are assembled in different factories. It seems to be very hit or miss!!
I love icon.... They have good ratings for safety and they have a look that can't be matched.... They are pricy for the new gear but I think it's the best line of gear for the every day rider...

I have used other brand helmets... Jackets... And gloves... And they just couldn't hold up to icon...,

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I have the Icon Airmada helmet, and I have to say I love it. As a new rider, I haven't tried a huge number of helmets, and I have only ridden (other than in parking lots for the MSF course) with the Airmada. I did, however, try on a LOT of helmets when I was shopping for mine, and this one was by far the most comfortable out of anything under about $450. Riding with it, everything is great. It is extremely comfortable (I practically forget it is there), and the quality seems very good so far. The one thing I have noticed is that it is quite loud at highway speeds with all the vents open (but that is probably pretty normal for sub $200 helmets...).

I have a Bilt race jacket (actually really like it), but it has some black and gets hot in sun.

I have the Bilt Trackstar jacket, and so far have been very satisfied. It is very comfortable, except in my left elbow, there is a bit of stitching (where the armor is sewn in) that is a bit scratchy if I wear short sleeves under it. It is also a bit warm on warm days because it is not especially breathable, but not terribly so.
I was wrong on the Bilt jacket. I actually have a Xelements race jacket, but race boots are Bilt as is my helmet. Both are great quality. I got a dark smoke visor for it and put my sena smh5 with large speakers in there and love it. Actually thinking of getting an Icon Airmada helmet. Anyone else have one and can you offer your thoughts, good or bad. My gloves are Joe Rocket and seems pretty good so far. Which Airmada do you have? I've been looking at a few and they are all similar except graphics.

As far as I know they are all the same aside from the colors/graphics. I have the matte black one, I can find the exact model number if that would help.
The only icon product I own is an alliance helmet. The helmet feels light, gets plenty of ventilation, is easy to clean, and looks fan-frikin-tastic.

Prior to my icon helmet I had Shoei RF1000, Scorpion EXO-400, and Speed and Strength SS-1000.

Shoei is way, WAY, too expensive AND the helmet lasted me roughly 8 months before the vent-covers on the forehead area fell off and I had to super-glue the stuff in place. It's a cheaply made helmet.

Scorpion was very nice for the price, but felt heavy and bulky, and the liner was only partially removable.

SS helmet simply did not feel like it would protect my head at all... but I was short on cash and the moment and didn't want to ride around exposing my grape. Their jackets, however, are super nice. I had a SS moment of truth mesh jacket and it lasted me 3 years before I decided to upgrade to a Leather Dainese Zen Evo.

Bottom line: Icon helmets are a great deal for the price and I highly recommend it.
I own a Icon leather jacket.

I like Icon, I feel like they are reasonably priced and their quality is well made. I have other friends who wear Icon gear and they've also had positive things to say as well.
The only icon product I own is an alliance helmet. The helmet feels light, gets plenty of ventilation, is easy to clean, and looks fan-frikin-tastic.

Prior to my icon helmet I had Shoei RF1000, Scorpion EXO-400, and Speed and Strength SS-1000.

Shoei is way, WAY, too expensive AND the helmet lasted me roughly 8 months before the vent-covers on the forehead area fell off and I had to super-glue the stuff in place. It's a cheaply made helmet.

Scorpion was very nice for the price, but felt heavy and bulky, and the liner was only partially removable.

SS helmet simply did not feel like it would protect my head at all... but I was short on cash and the moment and didn't want to ride around exposing my grape. Their jackets, however, are super nice. I had a SS moment of truth mesh jacket and it lasted me 3 years before I decided to upgrade to a Leather Dainese Zen Evo.

Bottom line: Icon helmets are a great deal for the price and I highly recommend it.

wouldn't say Shoei is cheaply made at all, the fit and finish feels above average. sounds like you got a bad one, and prob. could've gotten a new one under warranty. still have it? their coverage is better than most:
Your Shoei helmet is covered under warranty for five years from purchase date or seven years from the date of manufacture, whichever comes first. The warranty covers all manufacturing defects.
icon quality

bought an icon travel bag that had an attached helmet bag and icon rider jeans. The rider jeans hand a neat flexible black portion that were really comfortable. The size runs on the smaller size and was always comfortable on rides. the jeans faired pretty good.

the bag started to fall apart on the multi state ride. I think the straps started to fall apart by the end of the trip and parts of it started to delaminate.

I've looked at a lot of their jackets over the years and nothing really looked top quality.

If you're on the thinner smaller side I'd go with RS Taichi for riding gear. If you're on the larger side go with Alpinestars.


wouldn't say Shoei is cheaply made at all, the fit and finish feels above average. sounds like you got a bad one, and prob. could've gotten a new one under warranty. still have it? their coverage is better than most:
Your Shoei helmet is covered under warranty for five years from purchase date or seven years from the date of manufacture, whichever comes first. The warranty covers all manufacturing defects.

That's good info. Wish I had known before scraping it on a low-side a couple years ago. Thanks.
