Thinking of riding year ride in NY


New Member
I've been thinking of just riding year round as long as it's not freezing rain, or snowing. I know I'll need heated gear and stuff, but am I crazy? :D
Two thing stop me from riding year round: black ice and road salt. The black ice will kill you and can be anywhere, including hidden under a light dusting of snow. The road salt will corrode your bike to the point of making it harder to sell.
yes you are crazy. originally from upstate and I know the city thaws out quicker there but still a lot of very cold weather and bad road conditions to deal with, especially the months of jan-feb. forget it burrrrr
One of the (few) reasons I love being stationed in Texas. Never have to winterize the bike and there is always a nice warm front in the 60's every couple weeks, even in December/January.

I don't think I'd be able to ride past december anyway, but I'm thinking about extending my riding to at least the end of november. And start back up again in March if it doesn't snow. Who knows what the weather will be like. :cool:
I used to ride through the winter. I've ridden in the teens. Now I stop when the roads are salted. I won't ride again until the roads have been washed by enough rain. The bike I used to ride through the winter is a 1980 XS650 that I have had since 1989. It gave me a lot of salt/corrosion problems for about three years, electrical gremlins. What a pain. I've know a few people, who tried to get by without a car up here in the winter, myself included. No one I know ever made it without some long slides though the ice and snow.
Good luck ,
I dunno how you do FLA. Although I want to move to Washington state, then I have to deal with rain...Damn

I've been ridin in the Seattle area year round for about 6 years or so. The only days I don't ride are when there is a risk of snow and/or ice.

As you know we have a lot of days of rain. The way I deal with it is with heated grips, brush guards (for grips), snowmobile pants/bibs, leather jacket, fleece jacket, motorcycle boots, and turtle fur (fleece neck thingy).

It can be done, granted we don't get as cold or as much snow as NYC, but if you stay dry you can stay warm.:thumbup:

Yep - Definitely can be done. I live in manhattan and rode mine until about the end of November last year before it started to rain every other day. Looking to get back on the streets perhaps in the next week or two.
