think I need a locksmith


New Member
I recently had an accident on my bike.. I was dragged in wet sand for quite a stretch.. anyway I’m fine now. Ready to ride again. But I just discovered that my tank lock doesn’t work.. the key gets stuck.. should I call a locksmith?
You should be able to remove the whole tank cap fitting and try soaking it in something like kero and see if that frees it up.

Hope this isn't too late... I'm a locksmith. Try spraying brake cleaner in there, or even just blast it out with compressed air. I'm sure it is dry by now, so the sand should just come right out. Just make sure you protect your eyes. Also, if you have a bobby pin or something like that, drag it along the wafers. Make sure you hear them click back into place after you have dragged the bobby pin over them... that should shake the sand off them.
