The stupidest accident I've ever seen

Harda toenail

New Member
I was looking around the forum and I saw this section. Last year, I had a 2005 FZ1 that I just installed fairings on and gave a custom paint job. I was on my way to college and I stopped at a stop light. There was a van in front of me.

A few seconds later, I see the reverse lights go on and i press my horn from the time the lights went on to when she backed into my bike, breaking the front tire hugger and bending my rim. I put my side stand down and step to the side.

She says "I didn't see you are you ok? "
"Ya but the bike's not"
"Well as long as you're ok" and she starts to get back into her car.

Now I'm pissed.

I say wait a minute dumbass (You don't like me when I'm angry) this was your fault. Fork up about $400 and I'll fix it myself and not be late to class, or I'll call a traffic cop and we'll write a report and do all the insurance bullsh**. She says "Don't call the cops". and I say $400 will keep me from doing that.

By this time a harley rider who was filling up at the gas station next to me comes over and tells her to listen to me.

She doesn't have any money so I call for an officer. He gets there, writes a report. The lady had an expired license, a 1 year old in the back seat and the passenger took off running when the police showed up. The van had Michigan Plates and her license had a Michigan address. She provided a fake phone number. About a month later, I got a letter from the state about a non-insured accident. I sent in the information (Got my bike quoted at $680 to fix). A few weeks later, I get a letter saying she was already in jail for reasons not pertaining to this.

Anyway, I parked my bike at the gas station that day, ran to class, told my professor what happened then walked the bike home. I ended up fixing it myself. Bought a used rim for $180 on ebay and a new fairing for $70 and used left over paint to match it.

I'm 20 and been riding since I was 16 and this has been my ONLY motorcycle accident. I guess I'm very lucky, and unlucky at the same time.

Check out the paint job!!!
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It helps when you turn your head and look out the glass deal in the back of a vehicle, I believe it works just like the one in the front.
I am glad you are ok. Sucks about your bike though. She must be one of those people that get their license from the gumball machine.........yummmy:eek:
If I may, a short teaching moment from MSF:
When you pull up behind someone at a traffic light/stop sign, never stop in the middle of the lane - you have no escape route. Stop left or right of the vehicle in front, depending on the situation, and always be thinking "what if...". This strategy is usually for the inattentive drivers coming up behind you, but will work in this situation as well.
it shouldn't be surprising that those who are unwise and don't have insurance, also are the ones who drive like idiots too

in your situation i might have freaked out and dropped the bike fearing i was going to get run over, and then insurance might have not be so friendly
im so afraid of getting backed into or rear ended, i get so far over that i only have to move a little for the car behind me to go right past me and hit the car in front of me lol. plus always have a planned escape route at every stoplight. they are my worst nightmare haha, i have dreams where i just use the sidewalk to ride lol

If I may, a short teaching moment from MSF:
When you pull up behind someone at a traffic light/stop sign, never stop in the middle of the lane - you have no escape route. Stop left or right of the vehicle in front, depending on the situation, and always be thinking "what if...". This strategy is usually for the inattentive drivers coming up behind you, but will work in this situation as well.

I do this on the outside of the lane for a secondary reason as well, so when jerks trying to come up on the lane I'm in and then pop over in front of someone will see that clearly there is a motorcycle in that spot and it is not ok for their cheating butt to be killing me today.
