The Fighter


New Member
If any of you haven't seen this, I recommend that you go out and buy this movie now! I bought it on iTunes and watched it coming home from Vegas. Almost brought a tear to my eye.

Probably one of Mark Wahlberg's best movies IMO.
yup it was good, the sisters were hilarious!
I loves this movie...esp when he called his father a gorilla
Personally hated this movie. Way too depressing. I like movies that are funny and uplifting. The acting and screenplay was phenomenal but just not a movie for me. Put me in a bad mood. Same feelings for "the town"
Personally hated this movie. Way too depressing. I like movies that are funny and uplifting. The acting and screenplay was phenomenal but just not a movie for me. Put me in a bad mood. Same feelings for "the town"
Yeah but "The Town" was a very good movie. The wife watched it with me and even she said it was good and she doesn't say that about very many movies. I'm hearing a lot about a "chick" flick that is currently playing and is gaining momentum. Said to be one that the guys will enjoy alongside the wife/girlfriend. It's called "The Help." They're talking Oscar already. David

It was a pretty damn good movie!
